Saturday, February 28, 2009

11-20 -+40years/Executive/Next Job/Boss/Money/Talent/Harmony/CV

100 Advices for Career Management


11 - More than 40 years old
Add value to your competencies.
Experience is not to pass 20 years at the same functions, but also diversify your actions.
- Show the you can have all natural leader characteristics: Dynamic, strong, objective and love to work as a team;
- If someone ask your age, do not have afraid to say it.
But re force the maturity and experience. Availability to grow, change and realize dreams is also very important;

12 - Less than 40 years old
Show that you have initiative and will to win. Maybe you do not have any experience, but you have a lot of persistence.
- If is the case, speak about your MBA. But remember that in practice you have low realization to present. Be humble.
- You love to get challenges and risks. Is that the people expect from the young people.
But if you say that you worried about the consequences, you will surprise the interviewer.

13 - "Five years in a position can not mean 5 years of experience, but 5 times the same experience" Gabriel Tamus - Executive President Interfarma

14 - Next job - Part 1
How to identify the ideal challenge (position proposal)?
The best challenge combined 3 important aspects:
- Identification of market opportunity;
- Possibility to transform in practice your abilities;
- Conciliation of your personal interests with the company interests;
Abilities + Opportunities + Interests = Ideal Challenge.

15 - Next job - Part 2
Avoid the common mistakes to decide between 2 work proposals and maintain your doors for open market:
- Never do an auction of your proposal;
- Only say yes when you are absolutely sure about the proposal. Never goes back;
- When you accept some proposal, close the other negotiations;
- Accept a salary and then you repent is other mistake;

16 - Now you are the boss?
So now try to win the 100 first days.
- Listen. Speak with your colleagues, suppliers, costumers and council members....
- Do not announce some high challenge;
- Simplify. When the people receive a long list of tasks they start to not do anything.

17 - "The people with a lot of time and money to correct what is not so good, instead of develop what could make them excellent"
Gilberto Guimarães - President of Brazilian Company BPI

18 - Multiple talents
Personal performance always were faced as cerebral question.
Analyse as capacity pyramid.
The maximum of performance with pressure is achieved as much as all levels are in harmony:
Spiritual - Powerful font of motivation and determination.
Mental - Concentrate the physic and emotional task.
Physic - Manage resistance and promote mental and emotional recuperation.

19 - The guru voice
Peter Drucker, the guru of gurus, he announced 3 tips for the professional to get in harmony with the reality:
- Know yourself: Know better your strengths and weaknesses;
- Know your place: The present world of work is characterized by the mobility. Know well your place.
- Discover for what your were not born to. Do not force your nature. Adapt with your nature and learn to learning.

20 - "Curriculum is not a biographical document but yes "marketable". Is a cocktail of informations very well chosen to show for your interviewer who which are your profile".
José Augusto Minarelli
From Lens & Minarelli Consulting

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