Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1-10 Friends/Interview/Networking/Agenda/Contribute/Career/Language/

100 Advices for Career Management


1 - Allways Friends
Being with friends is good for the company and for you.
Firstly, because is a pleasure.
Secondly, because is usefull.

2 - Networking is not... with people when you adding value for your social capital.
You should create your relationships, and you need to stay and keep in the memory and the hearth of the people.

3 - Fullfill your agenda
A - Make a list with name and phone of your known people and keep updated.
B - Do not wait your contacts to guess your needs. Ask help.
C - Everyone has something to offer to the others. Share your knowledge, interests and hobbies.
D - Remmember: Networking is helping each other from the both sides. Use your contacts, but be also usefull.

4 - "If you are not able to say what you can contribute to improve your company, you are OUT"
Chynthia Kellams, North-American consultant

5 - Career cycle
1st show your technique knowledge.
Only after your competencies, how to work as a team, your automotivation and learn capacity.
Analyse how much your can contribute for your company and how you can improve for that.
Do not wait for your company!

6 - Be carefull with your native language
Basic rule. Is important that you know how to speak your native language.

7 - What you need to be successfull at job interview
- Speak about details that show your competencies, even it is basic ones;
- Say clearly what you want. If your objective is being a chief, say right away;
- Reforce what you can do better. Use powerfull verbs: I created, I planned, I analysed;
- Dress, according to your style, something that integrate the values and ethic of the company;
- Ask about the company and the job details;
- Negociate your salary and the final bonus in the end of the interview, after listen the company representant. Ask time to think and do not feel intimidated to say your expectations: this is the time to do it.

8 - "What detaches the stars from the middle is not what they have inside their minds. Is how they can use it."
Robert E. Kelley - Author of the book: "How I can be a work star"

9 - The big mistake - The right time to quit the job.
When is the right time to quit the job? When you are on top. If you wait to slow down, forget it.
Take the football (soccer) players as an example to manage your career.

10 - Analyse your career
Follow the next text, step by step. If you need help ask a friend.
A - Make a historical of the companies which you worked for
The time your worked, the projects you assumed and teams that you command;
B - Analyse each stage
Which are the situations that you worked good, you failed and why? Take in consideration the techniques, competencies and behaviours;
C - Make a graphic of your career to visualize your moments that you evoluted or not;
D - Identify what you like to do, what is a success for you, what motivates you;
E - Now is time to plan your career. Decide if you want to change your area or job or stay at the same place and use some quality that you do not knew. Or search for new courses and new books to understand better your competencies

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