Saturday, March 21, 2009

61-63 Smile/Do not judge/Happiness

100 Advices for Career Management

61 - Smile!
Do you care about your hearth, so smile.
Smile is like sport for your hearth.

62 - Do not judge
Personal balance is very important for a judgment without mistakes.
Never judge against your principles.
Your principles came from your character and your character do not change as moon, is not negotiable.
Do not have affraid to turn back, this is not a symbol of weakness.

63 - Happiness Concept
"People that says that are happy
- wanted by others;
- more tolerant and creative;
- lower pression;
- Better health system."
Eduardo Gianneti da Fonseca, economist

53-59 CEO's/OutofTBox/Mood/Forget people/Emotions/Health

53 - Personality of the highest 50 CEO's
"Intelligence, enthusiasm, good communication, a lot of energy, controlled ego, intern peace, formation challenges, healthy family life, positive attitude and focus.

54 - Out of the Box - Entrepreneurship?
Are you Entrepreneur? Yes, if...
- You have balls. You like to break the rules and get risks. But never put everything to loose.
- Do not fear the mistake and look for big walls to break down.
- Self-confident, persistent and shows credibility.
- Inspire the others, create a network of supporters.
- Do not feel in the company but in the market.
- Have initiative, intuitive, analytic and loves what you do.
- Know how to sell your idea.

55 - Always in the mood
Make jokes in the beginning of one meeting is good but try to break the mood in the bad way.

56 - Do not forget people in home
Your kids need your time.
Be close with your kids is the best way to make them happy.
Why you not try to get, for example, the lunch time to catch them at school?

57 - Fired? How to control
How to react after being fired and avoid frustration:
- Remember: you are not the place, you were on it;
- With some time, the work friends will end to look for your;
- Your life is much more than your job;
- Include in your admission contract referent points of some possible quit;
- Maintain your network always active;
- Make your work happen;
- Know how your company act in fired cases;
- If you are feeling that you will be "out" or fired, anticipate.

58 - Fired? Emotions and antidotes
Anger - Remember that your boss can provide references about you;
Happiness - Your feeling can traduce in wrong consideration and respect;
Sadness - Remember the reasons why you left the company;
Guilty - Try to finish the return work;
Panic - Remember when you were working to find new challenges;
Jealous - Make clear to your colleges that your relationship will survive;
Bored - How do you want be recorded? Work with disposition until the end.

59 - Be careful with your health
Health problems?
- Do not assume victim speech. Get an positive attitude and provide priority to your recuperation;
- Read, search and be informed;
- Make house tasks;
- Go to the company, even for some minutes;
- Do not isolate from your friends and family members;
- Do not transfer to the company the responsibility of your recuperation;
- Go for a psychologist if you think is necessary.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

51-52 Mistake/Fear

100 Advices for Career Management


51. Commit a mistake?

Comunicate the problem to your boss... now.
If the mistake is from all team, the problem is your as well.
Investigate the reasons that turned to the mistake is so importante as recover.

52. Fear
"Is the fear that mooves me. The fear of fail, suffer the consequencies,. The fear of being surprised is what makes me always prepared.
Because make a homework before any project, before any decision.
Because what is unexpected takes always to a lost".

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

41-50 Talent/Mess/Success/Sales/Tolerance/Perfect/Chrisis

100 Advices for Career Management


41. Talent war
If your company still did not get that will loose you and the other company talents, so has to learn:
- Make the employees happy. For that you need to be half-detective, half-psychologist, to discover what is the difference.
- Make real talent. Is only possible with the presence of one coach;
- Provide boss position only to who knows how to lead people. Actually, for the employees the direct boss is the company;
- Make agressive finance policies. Money is not all, but makes such a difference...

42. The power of mess
Most of the americans that receive more than 75 000 euros/year, work in unorganized companies. The ones who has best academic formation are used to caotic tables.
The ones that cares too much about orgnizing and cleaning the offices receives less than 35000 euros/year.

43. "There are 2 main facts the drived me in direction to success. One is the ambition to achieve the top, being the best who I am. The other is never being a stuck professional." Roberto Shinyashiki, writer and consultant.

44. "The success never has to be confused with wealth or power. We should connect to excellence and the realization feeling. Is something gives respect to who are you and not o what you possess." Tom Morris, Institute Morris and Human Values from USA

45. "Success is synonymous of authencity, to be yourself in all situation. I looked to be always the most coherent in atitudes and provides value to discipline and integrity" Thomas Michael Lanz, President of Giroflex

46. What a star of sales needs?
- Have aptitude to win - You have to be the person that produce the receipt. More than a product, you are selling a dream, a solution;
- Know very well your product - Your product and your competitors product;
- Know the customer - Try to place the customer side. Know what provides profit or what add value to the customer;
- Be a customer partner - If the business is good for two, this is the business. If is not...forget it;
- Facilitate the customer life - Buy the deadlines, appear at scheduled hour;
- Sell values - Be honest. Talk always, always, always the truth.

47. Public speaking is needed
- Dominate the discussion - search;
- Know how is working on the floor - never make a apresentation without knowing who is the public target and what he wants to listen;
- Be fast - do not tire the delegates;
- learn and make a relationship with the public - they are there because they want to listen you;
- Be yourself - create your style and do not make jokes if you are not a person naturally funny;
- Training, training, training - only in practice you will give more security. Be persistent.

48. "The tolerance is positive in political or social side as technique of surviving. In ethical point of view, is always a defect. You can not accept that someone break some moral order. When this happen, you respect your values." Hermano Thiry-Cherques, FGV Teacher

49. Perfect executive
Is half man, half woman. Know the qualities of each sex:
They (girls) - Intuitives, group vision, versatile, emotional.
They (guys) - Logical, focus vision, restricts, racional.

50. Crisis or opportunitity:
You can always see the frustrations as personal looses of as chances to learn. To not go to the deep:
- Do not consider as looser. Make auto-avaluation and learn with the failure;
- Create a project, work hardly, make more than expect from you;
- Do not feed unreal expectations;
- Keep motivated. Stablish possible goals and objectives;
- Increase your contribution;
- Do not expect recognization;
- Think about yourself in multiple way: profissional, kids, friends, husband, wife and good citizen.

Friday, March 6, 2009

31-40 win/loose/Confuses/explorer/Interview/Fired/Pleasure/Insecurity

100 Advices for Career Management


31. They win
- Be soft with the people and hard for the problems;
- Ask for advices. Then you can get closer and prevent the confrontation;
- Do not say "I winning badly" but "I have impression that my remuneration is not as should be, am I doing something?". This prevent that the other part defend (his)herself;
- Before ask for something, you should know which is the alternative in case the deal does not exist;

32 - They loose
- Impulsive - Does everything to make negotiation;
- Anxious - accept negotiation to get out of it;
- Stuck - think that deserves to pay more for the time that economize;
- Aristocrat - up that any negotiation.

33 - This confuses always
- Bad communication - someone is not listening;
- Inexperience - emotional reaction instead of rational;
- Nice - negotiator wants to be admired;
- Bad prepared - when does not exist a plan very well prepared, the parts are not ready to negotiate;

34 - "For the explorer is needed a dream. This dream drives his life & helps the explorer to navigate in the decisions of the day by day. Look for the opportunities from his filter of this dream and ask hisself if the situations presents will take more closer than his realization"
Robert Ballard - The men that discovers, in the end of the see, Titanic

35 - Work meeting
- Listen your colleges and win partners. Show clearly if you are not interested and win enemies;
- If you not agree, say it;
- Challenge the idea and not the person. For other words say: "I do not agree with this idea" instead of "I do not agree with your idea".

36 - In job interview
- Do not spend the time showing yourself. Re force your strong points but not too much.
- Do not say that your weak points as "weaknesses". Say "areas that I want to develop".

37 - Fired request
- Do not show in your company your intentions before talk with the Director or boss. The effect is very bad and dangerous;
- Try to give a date for your boss to recover. Stay until he needs and suggest substitutes. Do not jump leave the boat right away.

38 -
-If you are not acting in the area that gives you pleasure, the best is to do a real project of change. At the same time, invest in parallel pleasures, as to finish a work, of learning something new or giving something well done.

39. Little pleasures
Make a secret list of things that you want to do. Keep in your wallet and read time to time.
The list has to be included big and small pleasures.
Example: balloon race, rafting, skying, sunset, walk in the beach... Do not make a definition in yourself just for work.

40. Insecurity
Advices from the journalist and Professor North-American Walter Anderson:
- Accept that you are responsible for your behaviour. So, we can not only change your life, but also the world;
- Confidence is attitude. And attitude, we learn it;
- Believe in something. God, ambition, science. Make choices. The destination is an option;
- Be tolerant. You will like about your self more and for the others as well;
- Be courageous. The fear will always exist. It is associate to courage;

21-30 Creative/Type/Leader/Alert/Delegate/Leadership/Fire

100 Advices for Career Management

21. Creative Leader
In 1992 the agency of Brazilian advertising won 10 Lions of Gold at International Festival of Advertising in Cannes, France.
In front of these creative projects was Márcio Moreira.
Know the rules of this creative leader:

Keep your hand in the job: Do not let your activities in what you are good;
Look for opinions, not votes: Instead of consensus, respect the opinion of your team;
Slow contract, fire fast. Spend time to know who will get in to your team. If the partnership is not the most productive, decide fast;
Keep follow until someone stops you: Do not wait for your boss orders to get initiative;
In creativity there is not a final stage: Never be satisfied, exists always the chance to get an idea.

22. What is your type?
To differentiate boss from leaders, please take in consideration:
- The boss drives the people, the leader advice;
- The boss inspires the fear, the leader enthusiasm;
- The boss says "I", the leader says "us";
- The boss worry about things, the leader with people;
- The boss receives the prestige, the leader distributes;
- The boss only see today, the leader the tomorrow.

23. "The leader needs integrity and should be supported in personal values to take wrong decisions"
Napoleon Devia - from Lacocca Institute

24. Always alert
Avoid the favouritism and the unfairness.
Be alert to symptoms of jealous and take the decision. Say....
No to:
- Individualism
- Lock structures
- Authority models
- Ostentation
- Polarization
- corporate "politics"
- Lies and rumors
Yes to:
- Cooperation and teams
- Participative management
- Flexibility and the autonomy
- Salary programs with tracking
- Conflict negotiation
- Evaluation of merit and potential
- Information system

25. Delegate
There is bosses very perfectionists.
The Brazilians, for example, are known for this characteristic.
However at the time of delegating:
67% Admits that loves to check the team
91% Guarantee that verify the routine with a lot of careful

26. "The leaders should have time and space to disclose. Leaders can be developed, not manufactured."
Charles Handy - Book "Age of paradox"

27. Are you going to fire someone?
- Be in mind the motivation of quit;
- Convoke the person for short conversation;
- Prepare to administrate the emotional reaction of the person that will be fired;
- In case of depression, look for motivate the person and show the positive side;
- Give the news in morning time, in reserve room and without interruptions;
- Have in your hands the calculations of the rescission;
- Prepare to respond for questions as: "Can I go back to my room?" or "Can I give your name as reference?".

28. Principles of Leadership
- Know your values and where you want go, will drives you at the right direction;
- Explain yourself to your team knows if wants to follow you;
- Be exigent for the best is the pre-request to get it;
- The consensus mobilize who in you depends to put something in practice;
- Get support today is priority to use it in the future;
- Search for diverse and challenge task now will get you confidence and abilities that will be need later;
- Be fast: the inert is always disastrous as the bad acts;
- To use your leadership potential, combine objectives and talents in right company;
- Faith in your vision assures that your followers maintains strong to search for the objectives.

29."The leaders needs to have health of quantity of humble, courage and humanity. Humble is useful in success moments. Courage in weak moments. Humanity at all times"
C.K: Prahalad
Michigan University Teacher

30. "If you are a perfect leader and charismatic, great. But if you are not, there is no problem, because you are in the same group of the beginners of Sony, 3M, Boeing e HP".
James Collins & Jerry Porras
Author of the book: "Made to last"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Leadership: Facing Problems

John C. Maxwell, writes of the 'Five Truths Leaders Understand About Problems.'

As an introduction he uses Charlie Brown of Peanuts fame who always seems to be walking under his self-induced 'lingering raincloud.' While we may all fall prey to
these feelings from time to time, and find solace in pointing our
fingers to outside sources as the origins of the problems, Maxwell
suggests five truths that effective leaders must understand about

1. They're unavoidable - Don't shy away from them. Stare them in the
face and address them

2. Perspective on the problem, rather than the problem itself,
determine success or failure - He quotes Alfred Armand Montapert,
author, who wrote: "The majority see the obstacles; the few see the
objectives; history records the successes of the latter, while
oblivion is the reward of the former." Maxwell provides the following
views of wrong and right perspectives:

A Wrong Perspective A Right Perspective
Problems are unsolvable Problems are solvable
Problems are permanent Problems will pass
Problems are not normal Problems are natural
Problems make us bitter Problems make us better
Problems control us Problems challenge us
Problems stop us Problems stretch us

3. There's a big difference between problem spotting and problem
solving - it's about taking action to solve the problem that just
having an awareness it exists. Always bring a solution to a problem
you have raised.

4. The size of the person is more important that the size of the
problem - it is the great leader with great passion and commitment who
will attack and wresting with problems that appear insurmountable.

5. Problems, responded to correctly, can propel us forward -
Maxwell's words on this are beautiful: "Leaders are not discovered in
the limelight; rather they are forges in the darkness under heat and
pressure. Leaders gain respect on difficult terrain, after taking a
few blows and being shaped by the problems they encounter."

It is how we see problems, our attitude toward them, that enables us
to avoid the rainclouds and see the sunshine. It is our 'right'
perspective of problems that drives our success and continued growth
on our journey. This week may see the problems facing you with
different eyes - eyes that see opportunity to grow, to stretch and
challenge yourself while knowing well that they are within your will
and power to solve. And have incredible joy in solving them as you
teach others to see their problems differently.