Monday, March 2, 2009

Leadership: Facing Problems

John C. Maxwell, writes of the 'Five Truths Leaders Understand About Problems.'

As an introduction he uses Charlie Brown of Peanuts fame who always seems to be walking under his self-induced 'lingering raincloud.' While we may all fall prey to
these feelings from time to time, and find solace in pointing our
fingers to outside sources as the origins of the problems, Maxwell
suggests five truths that effective leaders must understand about

1. They're unavoidable - Don't shy away from them. Stare them in the
face and address them

2. Perspective on the problem, rather than the problem itself,
determine success or failure - He quotes Alfred Armand Montapert,
author, who wrote: "The majority see the obstacles; the few see the
objectives; history records the successes of the latter, while
oblivion is the reward of the former." Maxwell provides the following
views of wrong and right perspectives:

A Wrong Perspective A Right Perspective
Problems are unsolvable Problems are solvable
Problems are permanent Problems will pass
Problems are not normal Problems are natural
Problems make us bitter Problems make us better
Problems control us Problems challenge us
Problems stop us Problems stretch us

3. There's a big difference between problem spotting and problem
solving - it's about taking action to solve the problem that just
having an awareness it exists. Always bring a solution to a problem
you have raised.

4. The size of the person is more important that the size of the
problem - it is the great leader with great passion and commitment who
will attack and wresting with problems that appear insurmountable.

5. Problems, responded to correctly, can propel us forward -
Maxwell's words on this are beautiful: "Leaders are not discovered in
the limelight; rather they are forges in the darkness under heat and
pressure. Leaders gain respect on difficult terrain, after taking a
few blows and being shaped by the problems they encounter."

It is how we see problems, our attitude toward them, that enables us
to avoid the rainclouds and see the sunshine. It is our 'right'
perspective of problems that drives our success and continued growth
on our journey. This week may see the problems facing you with
different eyes - eyes that see opportunity to grow, to stretch and
challenge yourself while knowing well that they are within your will
and power to solve. And have incredible joy in solving them as you
teach others to see their problems differently.

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