Saturday, March 21, 2009

53-59 CEO's/OutofTBox/Mood/Forget people/Emotions/Health

53 - Personality of the highest 50 CEO's
"Intelligence, enthusiasm, good communication, a lot of energy, controlled ego, intern peace, formation challenges, healthy family life, positive attitude and focus.

54 - Out of the Box - Entrepreneurship?
Are you Entrepreneur? Yes, if...
- You have balls. You like to break the rules and get risks. But never put everything to loose.
- Do not fear the mistake and look for big walls to break down.
- Self-confident, persistent and shows credibility.
- Inspire the others, create a network of supporters.
- Do not feel in the company but in the market.
- Have initiative, intuitive, analytic and loves what you do.
- Know how to sell your idea.

55 - Always in the mood
Make jokes in the beginning of one meeting is good but try to break the mood in the bad way.

56 - Do not forget people in home
Your kids need your time.
Be close with your kids is the best way to make them happy.
Why you not try to get, for example, the lunch time to catch them at school?

57 - Fired? How to control
How to react after being fired and avoid frustration:
- Remember: you are not the place, you were on it;
- With some time, the work friends will end to look for your;
- Your life is much more than your job;
- Include in your admission contract referent points of some possible quit;
- Maintain your network always active;
- Make your work happen;
- Know how your company act in fired cases;
- If you are feeling that you will be "out" or fired, anticipate.

58 - Fired? Emotions and antidotes
Anger - Remember that your boss can provide references about you;
Happiness - Your feeling can traduce in wrong consideration and respect;
Sadness - Remember the reasons why you left the company;
Guilty - Try to finish the return work;
Panic - Remember when you were working to find new challenges;
Jealous - Make clear to your colleges that your relationship will survive;
Bored - How do you want be recorded? Work with disposition until the end.

59 - Be careful with your health
Health problems?
- Do not assume victim speech. Get an positive attitude and provide priority to your recuperation;
- Read, search and be informed;
- Make house tasks;
- Go to the company, even for some minutes;
- Do not isolate from your friends and family members;
- Do not transfer to the company the responsibility of your recuperation;
- Go for a psychologist if you think is necessary.

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