Saturday, November 13, 2010

Man of Saldanha is now immortal (Senhor do Adeus, Senhor do Saldanha)

Portugal lost a smile this week.

The history of the "Man of Saldanha (Place)" in Lisbon, is an unbelievable.
Imagine that you are driving a car in the main Avenue of Lisbon, and someone at the street is saying "Good Bye" to you.
You found it strange, so you look back. Actually it was a just a simple "Good Bye".
Without anything in change.

During years, maybe more than 10, in "Saldanha" was a man who always saying good bye to who passed at this Avenue.

Year after year, he was becoming a symbol. A symbol of loneliness, symbol of Lisbon, symbol of kindness...

At the end, his intentions were the best. Just fight his loneliness. But why a person becomes old and do such a thing like that every single night? What was his story? How come a person in a city of 1 Million inhabitants comes to such long loneliness?

His tribute was yesterday night, and an unbelievable number of people wanted to say the last goodbye. More than 200 people said the last good bye and more than 5000 people passed by car
this night for his last good bye. Unbelievable... amazing...

Last tribute:

"Good Bye" my friend.
This music describes so well how Lisbon said so much times Good Bye to you:

1 comment:

Florin said...

Wow, that very lisboesque!
Thanks for sharing a nice story Chico! I had no idea about this.

