Monday, June 29, 2009

Schedule your summer as GREATEST!

With the beginning of summer this past week for those of us in the
northern hemisphere Philip Humbert 's article entitled "Make It One
Heck of a Summer" and its message of carpe diem came to mind.

I shared this at the beginning of last summer, and its point continues
to serve us well.

In it he talked about how he and his wife in October seemed to always have the same conversation about summer:
"Oh, no! Where did the summer go?"

Moments later the house was filled with whining and moaning, a few complaints and exclamations that, "I can't believe we let it get away again!"

I believe his experience is similar to most of ours and that come October, we may look back with similar regrets.

His point in this, however, is about goal setting.

Human beings, he says, are by nature "goal-setting and goal-achieving creatures."

We set goals everyday - from the planning of our daily schedule to planning what we will eat during the week.

So if we are to have the greatest summer of our lives, we need to plan to make it the greatest.
Start today.

Circle dates on the calendar and mark them with things you want and love to do.

Fill it up and let it overflow the brim.

Live this summer as the best you have ever had!

It is your beautiful and special life to live to its fullest.

Stretch yourself to do new things, uncover new possibilities and happiness for you, your family and those around you.

And in October, look back proudly and with satisfaction at what you have achieved, learned and experienced: that happiness and success is in your choosing and doing. Choose wisely and choose well!

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