Monday, April 13, 2009

No impossibilities - Infinity of choices

To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning

A friend recently shared with me a video of an incredible performance
of a group of 5th, 6th, and 7th Graders, the Kings Firecrackers, from
Ohio. They are providng the half time entertainment for an Army Navy
basketball game. This short story (almost eight minutes) is a must
see, not only for the unbelievable performance, but most importantly
for the learnings it gives us about the boundless possibilities within
each of us, and how one person (the same 'each of us') can change
another person's life. It also suggests the question of legacy in
life - our own, and what we have given or will give to others.

As you view the video, stand in the shoes of one of the students.
Feel the joy, exuberance and self-value they are experiencing knowing
that they have excelled to a level of performance which they never
believed possible, but which they found in themselves and in each
other. Stand in the shoes of the coach on the side-line. Think of
what he is feeling as the team puts on their extraordinary
performance. He helped each of them find the greatness and
possibilities in themselves that they never knew existed. He was
their to help them join as a team and work as one - in perfect harmony
and synchronization - and have an experience that will last a lifetime
and influence their lives forever.

What legacy will you leave? What incredible possibilities and dreams
are yet undiscovered within you? What magnificent joy is yet to be
found that you too will dance with excitement and enthusiasm on
finding them? And in your other role as a servant leader to others -
your family, your business, your friends or those people who
unexpectly, yet intentionally, are put into your life - whom will you
help to find their own special greatness and possibilities?

Deepak Chopra writes: "You and I are essentially infinite
choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field
of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices."
May you choose wisely and well.

Remember the joy on the students' faces - for they have found that in
dreams there are no impossibilities.
May your week and life be filled with amazing dreams - your own and the ones that you will help others
create and see.

Have a beautiful day and GREAT week!!!

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