Thursday, January 13, 2011

Largest Day of my Life... (2/5)

How come your luggage change your day?
This post is the answer.. (2nd post in 3 posts)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh". Luggage was lost in the middle of the Airport in Brussels.

First of all, this was a real day. My best and amazed incredible day, I have to say. Until now, definitely the day which I had faced more challenges at the same time. Everything because a fail. Everything because a luggage...
in Brussels, Belgium...

As the explained in the 1/3 published, with 20 euros, mobile off, ID card, VISA card, clothes luggage, without flight tickets and passport how could I arrive to Turkey from Belgium with almost 1 hour to get the flight? If I wanted to come back, how could I return to Paris? Waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

There I was with Amandine Bancel from my team without my luggage. I was desperate, with my hands on my head. Scream just come in consequence, without knowing what to do. Taxi driver has left with the luggage and I was with... almost nothing, just the clothes bag.

So... think, think... reminding my chess strategy:
1st) last move from the other person - Run out from the taxi as taxi driver.
2nd) what is the intention of the other person - As Taxi driver, go to the TAXI ARRIVALS PLACE???????
Just said to Amandine to go to Air Italia, informing what happened with me, and told her that I will be on the check in 10 minutes. Then I run, almost all I could with my clothes luggage. With all my strength to see if I could see the Taxi Driver on the Arrivals place at the Airport.

No Tunisian guy with musctahe, neither Taxi with my luggage. Ask the taxi drivers, if they knew him, anything could help... One, nice one, one taxi driver told me: "hey man, what's up?".... "WHAT A FUCK MAN, I will call the lost and found from the central place".
He did several calls, to different numbers, different places. Noted everything on a post it with little bit of ketchup from his weird breakfast and told me: "dude, is like that. the colours of the taximeter was green or red?" I answered red. "MANNNNNNNN HE IS ILEGAL. Only the legal ones have the green ones. Shit! You screwed!".

I got the paper, hug this cool guy and run to the police Station.
Desperate again, I came there directly to the police, explained everything and ask for help... My desperation was delivered to the policeman. Poor man, he got nervous without knowing if could calm me down or run to the phone. Nicely he told me: "Hum, let me see. Francisco, no worry we will try to get your luggage, do you want to regist what you lost?"

Then I did the list of things, and more details I was providing, more serious was the policeman with me. 40 minutes around a crazy paper just to have in my hands, proving what I lost. What I couldn't get it. At the end, I asked him the number and address of the Portuguese Ambassy. I needed to go there to find a solution for my passport... I needed to be there.

8am - Run to the check in.
At the check in, Amandine was almost leaving. Her flight was waiting for her
She didn't want to leave. I said: "Amandine, no worry, I will be there." I still remember today her incapacity eyes once she left. In my mind was clearly that I "WILL BE THERE" and "IT WILL BE TODAY".

After 3 months of pushing hard to be at this AIESEC International Congress, I just needed to be there. Said goodbye to Amandine and then talked with the A.Italia airlines guy.
Actually this italian was not so gUy at all, he looked more as gAy, than other thing. I remember as today, his screams when he saw me: "YOU ARE THE GUY WHO LOST THE LUGGAGE??".. "OHHHHH AHHHH OHHHH I will do my best. I will do my best."Francisco, I will help you. Don't worry, I will help you. Here your registration. I have cancelled your current flight, but no problem, as soon you have your documents you can take the flight. Here the registration and here my cellphone, please contact me as soon you have the documents back. Good luck, run to get it. GOOOD LUUUUUCK"
I got the papers and then I run.

But run to????

Look for signs. Then I saw "Airport Lost and Found", I went there, nothing.
The fat woman was more calm than ever, neither a call to police. I just said myself "what a BITCH". Whatever, I run out of the airport to the Radison (i think) Hotel in front of it as recommended from the taxi driver.
Well.. Guess what? Nothing. BITCH!

Then, resigned, I went to the ATM. Put my VISA card to get the money to go to Portuguese Ambassy. GUESS WHAT? VISA DIDNT WORK!!!!
No money??!!! Tried all ATM's and NOTHING!!!!!

So, with 20 euros, mobile off, ID card, VISA card, huge clothes luggage on my back, without flight tickets and passport how could I arrive to Turkey from Belgium?


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