Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sueñas o haces de tus sueños realidad?
""Los sueños son maravillosos, que no?
Pueden elevarnos hacia la grandeza y añadir pasión a nuestras vidas. Pueden darnos significados y propósitos.
Desafortunadamente, mucha gente hoy en día, ha abandonado sus sueños.
Porque? Porque tienen miedo de fracasar.
O tal vez han pensado que los sueños de las personas que los rodean son tontos e irreales.
Esta semana, quiero tomar el tiempo para preguntarles algo.
Que es lo que intentarían si supieran que no podrían fracasar?
Que metas se pondrían?
Que direcciones tomarían en su vida?
Pregunto, que los detiene de hacer estas cosas hoy?
Cualquiera sean las razones, les invito que tomen un momento, las escriban y las analicen detenidamente.
Mientras lo hacen me imagino que notaran similitudes en los obstáculos que encuentren.
Una historia maravillosa la cual escuche hace algunos anos habla de una abuela de 64 anos que decidió ir a la universidad y titularse.
Fue confrontada por un “amigo” quien le dijo, “En que estas pensando? En cuatro anos tendrás 68!”
ella lo miro y calmadamente le dijo “en 4 anos tendré 68 vaya a la escuela o no, prefiero tener 68 y tener un titulo.”
Abraham Maslow, el gran psicólogo declaro que la historia de la raza humana es una en la cual las personas constantemente se venden por menos de lo que valen.
El dice que la gente tiene la tendencia de conformarse por menos de lo que realmente son capaces.
De acuerdo a Maslow, el nivel mas alto de la experiencia humana es ser “auto actualizados” lo cual significa (entre otras cosas) que “somos mejor que la opinión que se tiene de nosotros.”
Puede ser esta una razón por la cual nos menospreciemos por el miedo de lo que piensen los demás de nosotros?
Tristemente, es verdad.
Todos tenemos nuestras razones, excusas, miedos y dudas.
Pero cuando estas nos limitan en alcanzar nuestro potencial, es tiempo de que tomemos el control. Cuando comprendemos el proceso que lleva al éxito, empezamos a darnos cuenta que no existe tal cosa como el fracaso, el éxito proviene de la sabiduría. La sabiduría proviene de la experiencia y la experiencia es el resultado de nuestros errores.
Por esto, el no hacer nada es peor que hacer algo y fracasar.
Esta en el hacer nada que nos conformamos por menos de lo que podemos obtener.
Como digo George Bernard Shaw “una vida llena de errores no es solo honorable, sino mas útil que una vida sin hacer nada.”
Les invito a que actúen esta semana y encuentren este obstáculo en su camino al éxito.
Mediten en cuantas veces piensan “ que es lo que dicen de mi” mientras trabajan para vencer este miedo a las opiniones de los demás, rodéense de gente que cree en ustedes y los apoya en su camino a la grandeza. Sean parte del Club de Presidentes.
Mientras se independizan de lo que los demás piensen, su camino al éxito se convertirá en realidad.""
Saturday, November 7, 2009
"Un Ratito"
Un Ratito
Here in Uruguay as some countries of latin America, they say: "un ratito" one mouse to express a short something.
For example, wait a little... "wait for a little mouse"...
Funny no?
Sometimes this little mouse becomes a huge Godzilla and I have to wait a lot.. but who cares! Godzilla is not enough to demolish my waiting skills...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Leaders - José Gervasio Artigas, Uruguay
Hello all,
First of all, I am sorry to not providing you news... Yes you too..
However, I moved to a room to Hobes Herrera/Durazno, I have a little flu and Uruguayan experience is being awesome.
Then I will give you more information about my current role.
As I have passion for leaders history, here in Uruguay leaders have one only meaning: Artigas.
Artigas is everywhere... at the Plaza Independencia, at Avenida Artigas, inside the Centenário Stadium, even in the toilet of one bar at the city center I saw a advertising from one company with Artigas statue behind...
But who was Artigas?
What actually he did?
Here is some information....
Born in Montevideo to a wealthy family, at age 12 he moved to the countryside and worked on his family's farms. He excelled at marksmanship and riding, and tried his hand at smuggling from Portuguese-controlled Brazil.
At age 33, he took advantage of an amnesty for those who had committed non-violent crimes, and entered the Corps of Blandengues to protect the border with Brazil. From 1806 to 1807, he participated in the Spanish resistance to the British invasions of the Río de la Plata. He was part of the force which, under Santiago de Liniers, Montevideo contributed to the liberation ("Reconquista") of Buenos Aires from William Beresford, 1st Viscount Beresford's occupation in 1806, and also to the Battle of Montevideo. Following the Spanish defeat at Montevideo, he was captured. He was spared being shipped to Britain as a prisoner of war, having been wounded in the battle.
In 1810, Spain moved the headquarters for the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata to Montevideo after the May Revolution forced them to abandon Buenos Aires. On 15 February 1811, Artigas left the Corps of Blandengues and went to Buenos Aires to offer his military services in the fight for independence in the Eastern Bank. In early April, he returned to Uruguay with approximately 180 men provided by the Government of Buenos Aires; on April 11, he issued the Mercedes Proclamation, assumed control of the revolution and on May 18 defeated the Spanish in the Battle of Las Piedras. He set siege to Montevideo and was proclaimed First Chief of the "Orientals" (the name of Uruguay being originally Banda Oriental del Uruguay (Eastern Bank of Uruguay) and later Provincia Oriental del Uruguay (Oriental Province of Uruguay). (Uruguayans thus refer to themselves as Orientales.)
In 1814, he organized the Liga de los Pueblos Libres (League of the Free Peoples), of which he was declared Protector. In the following year, he liberated Montevideo from the control of the "Unitarians" from Buenos Aires.
In 1815, he attended the Proto-congress of the Independence of Argentina, held in Arrollo de la China (today known as Concepción del Uruguay). It was at this congress that the provinces of the Oriental Province (today the country of Uruguay), Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Misiones and Santa Fe declared themselves independent from Spain and formed the Liga Federal ("Federal League"). The Liga Federal invited other provinces of the former Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata to join them under a federal system.
In this congress, Artigas ratified the use of the flag created by Manuel Belgrano (which would later become the flag of the Argentine Republic), but added a diagonal festoon in red, the color of federalism in Argentina at that time.
The continued growth of influence and prestige of the Federal League frightened the governments in Buenos Aires (because of its federalism) and Portugal (because of its republicanism), and in August 1816, Portugal invaded the Eastern Province (with tacit complicity from Buenos Aires), with the intention of destroying Artigas and his revolution.
The Portuguese forces, led by Carlos Frederico Lecor, captured Artigas and his deputies and occupied Montevideo on 20 January 1817, but the struggle continued for three years in the countryside. Infuriated by Buenos Aires's passivity, Artigas declared war on Buenos Aires while he was losing to the Portuguese. His subordinates, members of the Federal League -- Francisco Ramírez, governor of Entre Ríos, and Estanislao López, governor of Santa Fe -- managed to defeat the centralism of Buenos Aires. But hope for a new nation was short-lived; both commanders entered agreements with Buenos Aires that went against the principles of Artigas. They rebelled against him and left him to be crushed by the Portuguese.
Without resources and men, Artigas withdrew to Paraguay in September 1820. In Paraguay, Dr. Francia, the dictator, banished him to Candelaria. He then disappeared from the political life of the region. (B. Nahum).
After a long exile, he died in Paraguay in 1850, age 86. It is said that Artigas, feeling near death, asked for a horse and died in the saddle, as a gaucho. His remains were buried and then reïntered at the Panteón Nacional in 1855. On the 19th of June, 1977, his remains were transferred to the Artigas Mausoleum in the center of the Plaza Independencia.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Reactivar la energía
Reactivar la energía
Cómo potenciar y reforzar la productividad en el desarrollo de un
nuevo proyecto.
1. La acción está en la persona; la solución también
Cada individuo tiene la llave para abrir la mayoría de las puertas que
ha de abrir. La acción, la iniciativa, la proactividad es la base
sobre la que se debe construir todo espíritu productivo. La mayoría de
los problemas se solucionan "haciendo".
2. La planificación vale si está dirigida al "hacer"
Los métodos de organización y planificación son grandes aliados para
lidiar con la avalancha de tareas diarias. Pero la excesiva
planificación es contraproducente. No hay que perder de vista la
misión de todo proyecto: hacer. Todo lo que rodea al hacer debe ayudar
a concretar la acción.
3. Pensar en grande pero ejecutar en pequeño
Hay que tener la capacidad de contemplar lo que se quiere hacer en el
largo plazo, con una mirada en perspectiva, ser consciente del
objetivo real que se desea alcanzar. Pero también hay que ser capaz de
tomar distancia para hacerse cargo del presente. La misión es lo que
cada día funciona de inspiración para poner el marcha en espíritu
productivo, y para encontrar la motivación necesaria para aplicar el
talento y la energía a cada acción. Con el gran objetivo final en
mente, es fundamental ejecutar “en pequeño”, dando pasos cortos pero
4. Ser consciente, estar presente
Un hábito productivo es el “enfoque”. Consiste en hacer las cosas de
forma consciente, estar completamente presente en el momento. Estar
enfocado ayuda a vencer con más facilidad las distracciones e
interrupciones, porque uno está presente. Ayuda a decir “no” a alguien
o postergar una tarea al sacrificarla por otra más importante. A la
vez, es un gran aliado para disfrutar cada momento.
5. Lo urgente no siempre es lo importante
Comprender la verdadera importancia de las cosas es una tarea clave de
la productividad. Entender el impacto, calibrar las consecuencias
reales de cada acción en un proyecto en el corto y largo plazo es la
mejor forma de establecer prioridades. Ser productivo es cuestión de
saber elegir.
Cómo potenciar y reforzar la productividad en el desarrollo de un
nuevo proyecto.
1. La acción está en la persona; la solución también
Cada individuo tiene la llave para abrir la mayoría de las puertas que
ha de abrir. La acción, la iniciativa, la proactividad es la base
sobre la que se debe construir todo espíritu productivo. La mayoría de
los problemas se solucionan "haciendo".
2. La planificación vale si está dirigida al "hacer"
Los métodos de organización y planificación son grandes aliados para
lidiar con la avalancha de tareas diarias. Pero la excesiva
planificación es contraproducente. No hay que perder de vista la
misión de todo proyecto: hacer. Todo lo que rodea al hacer debe ayudar
a concretar la acción.
3. Pensar en grande pero ejecutar en pequeño
Hay que tener la capacidad de contemplar lo que se quiere hacer en el
largo plazo, con una mirada en perspectiva, ser consciente del
objetivo real que se desea alcanzar. Pero también hay que ser capaz de
tomar distancia para hacerse cargo del presente. La misión es lo que
cada día funciona de inspiración para poner el marcha en espíritu
productivo, y para encontrar la motivación necesaria para aplicar el
talento y la energía a cada acción. Con el gran objetivo final en
mente, es fundamental ejecutar “en pequeño”, dando pasos cortos pero
4. Ser consciente, estar presente
Un hábito productivo es el “enfoque”. Consiste en hacer las cosas de
forma consciente, estar completamente presente en el momento. Estar
enfocado ayuda a vencer con más facilidad las distracciones e
interrupciones, porque uno está presente. Ayuda a decir “no” a alguien
o postergar una tarea al sacrificarla por otra más importante. A la
vez, es un gran aliado para disfrutar cada momento.
5. Lo urgente no siempre es lo importante
Comprender la verdadera importancia de las cosas es una tarea clave de
la productividad. Entender el impacto, calibrar las consecuencias
reales de cada acción en un proyecto en el corto y largo plazo es la
mejor forma de establecer prioridades. Ser productivo es cuestión de
saber elegir.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Final 1950 Uruguay - Brazil 2-1
The game began the way most people had already foreseen: an avalanche of Brazilian attacks against the Uruguayan defensive line. Unlike Spain and Sweden, however, the Uruguayans managed to withstand the barrage of shots launched against their goal by the Brazilian strikers. The first half ended scoreless, and even though the score still favored Brazil, Uruguay's strategy managed to subdue the intensity of the crowd.
Brazil scored the first goal of the match only two minutes after the interval, re-igniting the crowd's reaction. Once again, Varela played a big role when he took the ball and disputed the validity of the goal to the referee (arguing that the player was offside). Varela was finally calmed, then took the ball to the center of the field, and shouted to his team, "Now, it's time to win!".
Then, Uruguay actually managed to turn the tide on Brazil. When faced with a capable Uruguayan attack, Brazil showed their defensive frailty, and Juan Alberto Schiaffino scored the equalizer in the 66th minute. The crowd died down a bit, before erupting into cheers for their local team again shortly after (since the draw still favoured Brazil). Later, Alcides Edgardo Ghiggia, running down the right side of the field, scored another goal, with only 11 minutes remaining on the clock. The crowd was now dead quiet and remained so until English referee George Reader signalled the end of the match with Uruguay winning 2–1. Former FIFA president and mastermind of the World Cup, Jules Rimet, would then comment about what happened, "The silence was morbid, sometimes too difficult to bear". The once roaring crowd of two hundred thousand people stood in disbelief as they were being "stripped" of a title they had already considered rightfully theirs.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
1 month in Uruguay
Hi all,
Almost one month I am living in Uruguay and I am loving it.
- Country adaptation:
Strongly, language adapted perfectly.
- City knowledge:
Montevideo is perfect, small, efficient and secure.
- Company:
Perfect. On track for the first project. More than 140 potential partners contacted.
- Free time:
Partying a lot!
Almost one month I am living in Uruguay and I am loving it.
- Country adaptation:
Strongly, language adapted perfectly.
- City knowledge:
Montevideo is perfect, small, efficient and secure.
- Company:
Perfect. On track for the first project. More than 140 potential partners contacted.
- Free time:
Partying a lot!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tunning Bus!
In the first week I was surprised with this bus drived by old man with different and coulour lights at the front.
Tunning bus rocks!
Uruguay - 2 first weeks
Today is almost 2 weeks that I am in Uruguay.
These 2 weeks I...
.. ride bike in Montevideo
.. saw all the center
.. adapted to the company
.. changed some food
.. went to Prado party
.. met more than 50 people
.. did 2 speeches about AIESEC experiences
.. was almost sick (let's see if i will not be...
.. learned about uruguaian politics
.. read books
.. met portuguese/uruguayan couple
.. miss Portugal & family
.. played football
.. already love mate
.. saw one theatre role
.. went to the famous uruguayan barbecues..
.. still living happy as allways!
These 2 weeks I...
.. ride bike in Montevideo
.. saw all the center
.. adapted to the company
.. changed some food
.. went to Prado party
.. met more than 50 people
.. did 2 speeches about AIESEC experiences
.. was almost sick (let's see if i will not be...
.. learned about uruguaian politics
.. read books
.. met portuguese/uruguayan couple
.. miss Portugal & family
.. played football
.. already love mate
.. saw one theatre role
.. went to the famous uruguayan barbecues..
.. still living happy as allways!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Do you want batteries? Only if you take some chocolate!!
This week I went to buy some batteries and I found this.
"Promotion - 4 batteries with small chocolate offer"
Off course, with the chocolate I was more inspired to buy the batteries!!!!
Chocolate... that is something so complementary with the batteries.
I can imagine right now how was the marketing strategy brainstorming:
"Dear marketing team, we need to sell more batteries, let's make some promotion.
Any idea?
Then some person says:
- People want batteries, so will use camera...? No.
- People want batteries, so during the process of changing batteries will need.......
....wait for it....
YEAAAHHHHH" (Marketing team shout when finished the meeting).
Or the idea just came from some Supermarket Director that had to many chocolates in stock from the last Christmas... and was crazy enough to choose it.
...Ah the way the chocolate was awesome!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Queijeiro Vs. Pinzon
One more day, one more joke.
The men of the cheese as we say in Portuguese (Queijeiro), is comments football matches in Argentina.
The other one is called by Pinzon, that reads "Pinçon"... don't wanna know what means in PT...
Big hug and enjoy how strange is the football programs in Argentina
The men of the cheese as we say in Portuguese (Queijeiro), is comments football matches in Argentina.
The other one is called by Pinzon, that reads "Pinçon"... don't wanna know what means in PT...
Big hug and enjoy how strange is the football programs in Argentina
Monday, September 21, 2009
FODA Analysis (SWOT Analysis)
In Uruguay I just discovered that SWOT analysis in spanish is FODA analysis...
Everything normal, if FODA would not mean fuck in Portuguese...
Imagine if someone says to you: let's make an FODA analysis. "Porque no?"
Adaptive capacity - most attribute to determine a who will become a leader
A friend recently shared with me an article, Acting the Part of a
Leader, by Warren Bennis, American scholar and author, widely regarded
as a pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership studies.
In the article Bennis discusses why leadership is often paired with
theatricality - the role of leaders and the many parts they play in
their professional and personal life.
For example, discussing the leader’s visionary role, Bennis cites playwright Arthur Miller who observed that they (leaders) have the ability "to find the magnetic
core that will draw together a fragmented public."
I found that the richest discussion, however, was about how leaders in
their career are often asked to take on roles about which they are not
at all comfortable.
We have all experienced this at one time in our career and in our life. We find ourselves in a situation where we feel that the role is greater than our ability to play it.
In Bennis’ words: “that the role is greater than the individual…..”
We look at the opportunity and don’t see within ourselves the talents, skills or
capabilities to be successful in the new endeavor.
We look only at what we know of ourselves now – who and what we are… now. If we choose to see only this, we choose to limit our growth.
Bennis uses the term “adaptive capacity as the most important
attribute in determining who will become a leader.”
I prefer the words “to be more that you ever dreamed you could be.”
It is our continuing journey to push, challenge and stretch ourselves – to see
our abilities through the lenses of new possibilities and, therefore,
find new roles in business and life.
Truly we live the words of William Shakespeare: “All the world is a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances; Each man in
his time plays many parts.”
This week in each of your many leadership roles create a better world
and, most importantly, a better and greater you.
I love Stephen Covey’s definition of leadership. May it inspire you also on your
“Communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that
they come to see it in themselves. It is the influence we have with
others to help them discover their own voice, to find their own
purpose, to make their unique contribution, and to release their
potential, that truly defines leadership. Thus, leadership extends to
the many personal and professional roles we play – as workers,
parents, children, teachers, students, swamis, you name it – and the
choice we make to live by principles to help others find their voice.”
Leader, by Warren Bennis, American scholar and author, widely regarded
as a pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership studies.
In the article Bennis discusses why leadership is often paired with
theatricality - the role of leaders and the many parts they play in
their professional and personal life.
For example, discussing the leader’s visionary role, Bennis cites playwright Arthur Miller who observed that they (leaders) have the ability "to find the magnetic
core that will draw together a fragmented public."
I found that the richest discussion, however, was about how leaders in
their career are often asked to take on roles about which they are not
at all comfortable.
We have all experienced this at one time in our career and in our life. We find ourselves in a situation where we feel that the role is greater than our ability to play it.
In Bennis’ words: “that the role is greater than the individual…..”
We look at the opportunity and don’t see within ourselves the talents, skills or
capabilities to be successful in the new endeavor.
We look only at what we know of ourselves now – who and what we are… now. If we choose to see only this, we choose to limit our growth.
Bennis uses the term “adaptive capacity as the most important
attribute in determining who will become a leader.”
I prefer the words “to be more that you ever dreamed you could be.”
It is our continuing journey to push, challenge and stretch ourselves – to see
our abilities through the lenses of new possibilities and, therefore,
find new roles in business and life.
Truly we live the words of William Shakespeare: “All the world is a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances; Each man in
his time plays many parts.”
This week in each of your many leadership roles create a better world
and, most importantly, a better and greater you.
I love Stephen Covey’s definition of leadership. May it inspire you also on your
“Communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that
they come to see it in themselves. It is the influence we have with
others to help them discover their own voice, to find their own
purpose, to make their unique contribution, and to release their
potential, that truly defines leadership. Thus, leadership extends to
the many personal and professional roles we play – as workers,
parents, children, teachers, students, swamis, you name it – and the
choice we make to live by principles to help others find their voice.”
Rambla de Montevideo
Hay vida en Jesus...
19th September 2009,
Today I walked at rambla with Barbara Basso.
She is from Brazil and actually we met before in Portugal.
At rambla, the wind was cold as a "good knife cutting meet" in my buddy, even with that we walked there and appeared this master piece...
Hay vida en Jesus
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bus with Wifi in Uruguay!!!
Hello all,
In Uruguay exists wifi bus... I would like to know when we will have it in Portugal... maybe XXII century.
Today I was looking at the station where was the line maps of Montevideo and/or the bus stations that each number stops, there was no information!
But why would exists? There is wifi in the bus!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Life advice
Life advice:
"Well, you're smart, walk undercovered as a lawyer, because you've learned here no one steals lawyers.." Old lady in Montevideo, Uruguay
"Well, you're smart, walk undercovered as a lawyer, because you've learned here no one steals lawyers.." Old lady in Montevideo, Uruguay
Day 2 - Relatório básico
[05:05] Carla Daniela: oi
[05:05] Carla Daniela: como foi a viagem?
[05:05] Carla Daniela: correu td bem?
[05:06] sim
[05:06] tudo tranquilo
[05:06] se nao fosse ter q apanhar aviao
[05:06] numa 1 hora e meia em buenos aires
[05:06] um voo reatardado e ficar retido em madrid com hotel pago
[05:06] Carla Daniela: tao?
[05:06] Carla Daniela: :S
[05:07] Carla Daniela: credo
[05:07] Carla Daniela: no final das contas demoraste qt tempo a chegar?
[05:07] uma garrafa de vinho do porto partida e ter que correr no aeroporto com o saco que nao podia abrir pq era free duty e estava la outra garrafa em buenos aires
[05:07] deixa ver... ah querer comer algo mais tipico de uruguay
[05:07] e chega amesa um bacalhau a braz mas sem bacalhau
[05:08] Carla Daniela: q stress
[05:08] Carla Daniela: ora ai esta uma boa
[05:08] Carla Daniela: bacalhau sem bacalhau
[05:08] ah e no aviao para buenos aires
[05:08] encontrei outro tuga
[05:08] que ja tinha visitado 20 paises diferentes
[05:08] perguntei o que fazia
[05:08] Carla Daniela: mto bem
[05:08] disse me que vendia magalhaes
[05:08] lolololol
[05:09] Carla Daniela: ganda cenario
[05:09] há mais
[05:09] Carla Daniela: q grande aventura
[05:09] pela primeira vez
[05:09] Carla Daniela: mais?!
[05:09] Carla Daniela: q pode haver mais
[05:09] vi num nó de auto-estrada
[05:09] familias com caes completas a comer pique-nique em buenos aires
[05:10] lá aproveitam todas as relvas
[05:10] lolol
[05:10] Carla Daniela: c'um catano
[05:05] Carla Daniela: como foi a viagem?
[05:05] Carla Daniela: correu td bem?
[05:06] sim
[05:06] tudo tranquilo
[05:06] se nao fosse ter q apanhar aviao
[05:06] numa 1 hora e meia em buenos aires
[05:06] um voo reatardado e ficar retido em madrid com hotel pago
[05:06] Carla Daniela: tao?
[05:06] Carla Daniela: :S
[05:07] Carla Daniela: credo
[05:07] Carla Daniela: no final das contas demoraste qt tempo a chegar?
[05:07] uma garrafa de vinho do porto partida e ter que correr no aeroporto com o saco que nao podia abrir pq era free duty e estava la outra garrafa em buenos aires
[05:07] deixa ver... ah querer comer algo mais tipico de uruguay
[05:07] e chega amesa um bacalhau a braz mas sem bacalhau
[05:08] Carla Daniela: q stress
[05:08] Carla Daniela: ora ai esta uma boa
[05:08] Carla Daniela: bacalhau sem bacalhau
[05:08] ah e no aviao para buenos aires
[05:08] encontrei outro tuga
[05:08] que ja tinha visitado 20 paises diferentes
[05:08] perguntei o que fazia
[05:08] Carla Daniela: mto bem
[05:08] disse me que vendia magalhaes
[05:08] lolololol
[05:09] Carla Daniela: ganda cenario
[05:09] há mais
[05:09] Carla Daniela: q grande aventura
[05:09] pela primeira vez
[05:09] Carla Daniela: mais?!
[05:09] Carla Daniela: q pode haver mais
[05:09] vi num nó de auto-estrada
[05:09] familias com caes completas a comer pique-nique em buenos aires
[05:10] lá aproveitam todas as relvas
[05:10] lolol
[05:10] Carla Daniela: c'um catano
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hasta ya Portugal
Hoy al Almuerzo me despedí de un bueno bitoque!
Que saudades voy a tener de este prato que satizfaz tantos estómagos por Portugal...
Ay aquel huevo...
A la Cena recibí el Mihau para hacer una cena polaca, fue bien interesante.
Arroz con caril galinha y fruta. Y hasta cayó bien... pues nada mejor que esta bomba para la fiesta que ahí viene de despedida.
Goodbye Portugal!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hi all,
From now, I am will write in spanish (or trying), because is now my main priority to learn it. Just until the end of the year.
From now, I am will write in spanish (or trying), because is now my main priority to learn it. Just until the end of the year.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
You, Dr. or Mr.?
Just to reflect...
In Portugal, the most thing I hate is actually how we threat each other by status.
Is a custom from centuries and I am totally sure, if we would threat all by YOU (as abroad), the country would be closer... aristocracy is still in our conservative blood of portuguese people..
Two examples:
1 - Anyone has a degree we call "Doctor";
2 - Anyone older, instead of "you" we say something as you but with distance and respect as "Mr." (voçê). Sorry about impossible translation;
In most of the companies, the status is still recognized as distinction between who has degree and who is older, not for sure who has more results...
One day I will do a study about companies who is treated by "you" or "Mr., Dr. Engineer, etc....
I am sure that closely workers does better environment and results...
...hum..who knows next thesis!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Byebye Algarve
Hey all,
Yesterday I said goodbye to Algarve. Or ALLgarve from POORtugal... ;)
It was an excellent time with different people at my home.
I received Rita Pang from Canada, Mateusz, Ewa and Pawel from Poland, Antonio Jovanovski and Martina from Macedonia, David Pires from France.........
It was awesome to receive part of closest people when I was abroad in my home.
I discovered also nice people in Algarve and this made me feeling closer to the region. I came back to Algarve just thinking to leave as soon as possible... I left Algarve just thinking when I will return...
And life continues... now that I am seeing this picture in my swimming pool, I am so jealous of my Self!!!!
Yesterday I said goodbye to Algarve. Or ALLgarve from POORtugal... ;)
It was an excellent time with different people at my home.
I received Rita Pang from Canada, Mateusz, Ewa and Pawel from Poland, Antonio Jovanovski and Martina from Macedonia, David Pires from France.........
It was awesome to receive part of closest people when I was abroad in my home.
I discovered also nice people in Algarve and this made me feeling closer to the region. I came back to Algarve just thinking to leave as soon as possible... I left Algarve just thinking when I will return...
And life continues... now that I am seeing this picture in my swimming pool, I am so jealous of my Self!!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Today I think about: I am there (António Variações)
Estou além - I am there
António Variações
Não consigo dominar - I can't dominate
Este estado de ansiedade - This feeling of anxiousness
A pressa de chegar - So fast to arrive
P'ra não chegar tarde - To not arrive late
Não sei de que é que eu fujo - I don't know why I am running
Será desta solidão - Is from this loneness?
Mas porque é que eu recuso - But why I refuse
Quem quer dar-me a mão - Who wants to give my hand...
Vou continuar a procurar a quem eu me quero dar - I will continue to look for who wants to give
Porque até aqui eu só - Because until here I am just
Quero quem - Wants who
Quem eu nunca vi - Who I never saw
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem não conheci - Who I never met
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem eu nunca vi - Who I never saw
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem não conheci - Who I never met
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem eu nunca vi - Who I never saw
Esta insatisfação - This dissatisfaction
Não consigo compreender - I can't understand
Sempre esta sensação - Always this sensation
Que estou a perder - That I am loosing
Tenho pressa de sair - I have fast to go out
Quero sentir ao chegar - I want to feel to arrive
Vontade de partir - Willing to departure
P'ra outro lugar - To other place
Vou continuar a procurar a quem eu me quero dar - I will continue to look for who wants to give
Porque até aqui eu só - Because until here I am just
Quero quem - Wants who
Quem eu nunca vi - Who I never saw
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem não conheci - Who I never met
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem eu nunca vi - Who I never saw
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem não conheci - Who I never met
Porque eu só quero quem - Because I just want who
Quem eu nunca vi - Who I never saw
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Raul Solnado Tribute - Make a joke and appear in turkish advertising
Raul Solnado,
Was one of best humorist of XX century in Portugal.
With simplicity he made an excellent job initiating the stand up comedy in Portugal.
To express his work here I publish:
VIDEO 1 - Video about one of his jokes: Taxi to war
An unemployed guy that wanted money and went to the war of 1908. He went by taxi to not have any problem of orientation but the problem is that he went from different way and found the 1910 war. When he came to the 1908 the war was to early in morning and the war was still closed....etc..!
VIDEO 2 - Taxi to war joke adapted to chill-out music by DJ Disse and published at Hotel Costes compilation of Stephanie P!
VIDEO 3 - Taxi to war music adapted to coke-cola promotion in Turkey!
Conclusion, if you make a joke in Portugal, your joke can inspire the Turkish advertising!
Was one of best humorist of XX century in Portugal.
With simplicity he made an excellent job initiating the stand up comedy in Portugal.
To express his work here I publish:
VIDEO 1 - Video about one of his jokes: Taxi to war
An unemployed guy that wanted money and went to the war of 1908. He went by taxi to not have any problem of orientation but the problem is that he went from different way and found the 1910 war. When he came to the 1908 the war was to early in morning and the war was still closed....etc..!
VIDEO 2 - Taxi to war joke adapted to chill-out music by DJ Disse and published at Hotel Costes compilation of Stephanie P!
VIDEO 3 - Taxi to war music adapted to coke-cola promotion in Turkey!
Conclusion, if you make a joke in Portugal, your joke can inspire the Turkish advertising!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Back home
Back Home (Francisco Sousa)
After 3 hours trip, I came back home.
From my back, there is all my travel that I started last 24th August in Univ2009.
Already in ALLgarve of POORtugal, I reflected about my main goals of Univ2009:
- Know young and interesting social-democrats;
- Learn politics in general;
- Manage some team with politics (totally different than my normal working days);
- Have fun;
- Reflection of my future politics.
All my objectives were achieved, however I felt more...
I felt that I came different.
I felt that I came back more the humility of Maria Parracha, creativity of Miguel Santos, determination of Eduardo Sousa, calm of Francisco Botelho, argument of Suzete Oliveira, the special "touch" of Elisabete.
And I just shared everything with my confident of political issues, my father. The conversation was easy and interessant... In opposite of my father opinion (he wants me to return to politics), my career is other and I point my finger to other direction (in this photo).
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
One day... (Francisco at JSD Universidade Verao)
One day I will laugh... I will be old, very old I will look back and laugh...
I will laugh about the current political situation.
I can imagine being at my dear bed, close to my grandsons and talk about how portuguese elections worked in the beginning of XXI century.
I will laugh, just thinking about how could be possible in 2009, about elections being dependent from Outdoors faces, past focused political discussions the strongest power that media has between the citizens and politicians.
I will laugh to think in leaders as Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Berlusconi, etc.. Leaders that tried during these times to manage the media and control the power of communication.
I will laugh just reflecting how "ice aged" is our current programs and budgets political presentations.
Sorry I said budgeting? How could I?
During these national elections in Portugal (for the municipalities and government), the political programs shows everything less exigence, transparency, commitment and passion...
I will laugh because today I believe in Marketing 2.0. The newest way of doing marketing democratized all political system.
I will laugh because I believe the future politics will be different according to the new tools. As example:
- Political programs should be dependent from direct questions elected in democratic from the previous 6 months before the elections;
- Political programs should has in attachment the State budgeting;
- Marketing budget from each political party should be the same and reduced to the general line. One page, one political party;
I will laugh just to think about current power of political roles and status in change of results and goals achieved.
I will laugh... one day....
Today I CRY!
"What is the problem we are trying to solve?"
To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning
I was recently reading a blog by Seth Godin entitled Are We Solving
the Same Problem. The blog spoke of situations that arise at various
times in business and personal life: one side comes up with a
solution – “this solution is exactly as we described it” – and the
other side rejects it – “it doesn’t work right.” From this, an
impasse arises. The cause of the disconnect, Godin suggests, is that
the focus of both parties has been on the solution to the problem, and
not where it should be – on the problem itself.
In Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus John Gray presents a
generality about men's response to their partner's needs - they always
seem to try to fix their partner's 'problem' (e.g. "This is what you
need to do about that."), without truly understanding what their
partner's need really is (e.g. wanting someone to their concern). This
is a simple example of jumping to the 'how' without thoroughly
understanding the 'what' or the real problem at hand. The consequence
is always a huge disconnect.
Highly effective and successful leaders are always asking: "What is
the problem we are trying to solve?" With no mincing of words, they
cut to the chase. They have embraced Stephen Covey's 5th Habit - Seek
first to understand, then to be understood - a critical principle for
getting to the 'what' of an issue. It is through this determined focus
on understanding that great leaders get to the unspoken expectations,
the real needs and concerns, or a person's hopes and dreams and fears
and insecurities. It is through this probing that they help others to
better understand and verbalize their needs and concerns. When they
are successful in doing this, they can get truly connected.
Samuel Butler, 19th century novelist and poet, wrote: "A blind man
knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but
he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worse blindness of
all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide." May your week
be filled with great understanding that you may hear what is said and
unsaid, and see the realities and infinite possibilities all around
you. You only need to seek first to understand. Heed wisely the words
of Goethe: "Whatever you cannot understand, you cannot possess."
I was recently reading a blog by Seth Godin entitled Are We Solving
the Same Problem. The blog spoke of situations that arise at various
times in business and personal life: one side comes up with a
solution – “this solution is exactly as we described it” – and the
other side rejects it – “it doesn’t work right.” From this, an
impasse arises. The cause of the disconnect, Godin suggests, is that
the focus of both parties has been on the solution to the problem, and
not where it should be – on the problem itself.
In Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus John Gray presents a
generality about men's response to their partner's needs - they always
seem to try to fix their partner's 'problem' (e.g. "This is what you
need to do about that."), without truly understanding what their
partner's need really is (e.g. wanting someone to their concern). This
is a simple example of jumping to the 'how' without thoroughly
understanding the 'what' or the real problem at hand. The consequence
is always a huge disconnect.
Highly effective and successful leaders are always asking: "What is
the problem we are trying to solve?" With no mincing of words, they
cut to the chase. They have embraced Stephen Covey's 5th Habit - Seek
first to understand, then to be understood - a critical principle for
getting to the 'what' of an issue. It is through this determined focus
on understanding that great leaders get to the unspoken expectations,
the real needs and concerns, or a person's hopes and dreams and fears
and insecurities. It is through this probing that they help others to
better understand and verbalize their needs and concerns. When they
are successful in doing this, they can get truly connected.
Samuel Butler, 19th century novelist and poet, wrote: "A blind man
knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but
he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worse blindness of
all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide." May your week
be filled with great understanding that you may hear what is said and
unsaid, and see the realities and infinite possibilities all around
you. You only need to seek first to understand. Heed wisely the words
of Goethe: "Whatever you cannot understand, you cannot possess."
15 advices to comunicate clearly - Carlos Coelho
15 advices to communicate clearly - Carlos Coelho
Summer University JSD 2009
25th August of 2009
1 - Do not have afraid of afraid. = Self-confidence in excess.
If you are nervous, just make some little action to express out the feeling.
2 - Do not attract the vultures, be strong.
Show more strongest than your feeling.
3 - Do not start to speak without define the object and intuition.
Be rational - transport emotion.
Being asked to be cleared - we have to be clear and make the opposite nervous. Or being concise or get the flow to put other issues in discussion. Stronger issue better.
Video example: Socrates e habitação JSD.wmw
4 - Do not ignore the plenary (gallery).
Discuss is communicate = Speaking with...
Necessary Plenary, interested and being reminded.
5 - Do not forget: what the other seeing.
Do not listen a speech: Looks
Transmite arguments... emotion
Speak with your body but careful with constant acts.
6 - Be attention about your image.
Careful with the image. Example of Lula (President of Brasil) in 1986 and then 2004.
7 - Do not speak without feeling.
8 - Win the public affiliation.
Example: to show how nice is talking in the parliament.
9 - Do not be bored and be concise.
Be quick and concise, do not speak to much and do not speak to fast.
Recuse the circle speech
10 - Never decorate a wrote speech.
Languages are different. Your mindset can be blocked.
Never ask others to write your speeches.
Video example: Churchill
11 - Never forget your defences.
Include your principles has to be subscribed.
12 - Is better to respond that you do not know than faking that you know
Example: Portuguese prime-minister talking in english to George Bush...
13 - Attack firmly protecting your backs.
14 - Never attack badly, manage how aggressive you are.
15 - Never admitted being inferiority by age/sex and colour.
Summer University JSD 2009
25th August of 2009
1 - Do not have afraid of afraid. = Self-confidence in excess.
If you are nervous, just make some little action to express out the feeling.
2 - Do not attract the vultures, be strong.
Show more strongest than your feeling.
3 - Do not start to speak without define the object and intuition.
Be rational - transport emotion.
Being asked to be cleared - we have to be clear and make the opposite nervous. Or being concise or get the flow to put other issues in discussion. Stronger issue better.
Video example: Socrates e habitação JSD.wmw
4 - Do not ignore the plenary (gallery).
Discuss is communicate = Speaking with...
Necessary Plenary, interested and being reminded.
5 - Do not forget: what the other seeing.
Do not listen a speech: Looks
Transmite arguments... emotion
Speak with your body but careful with constant acts.
6 - Be attention about your image.
Careful with the image. Example of Lula (President of Brasil) in 1986 and then 2004.
7 - Do not speak without feeling.
8 - Win the public affiliation.
Example: to show how nice is talking in the parliament.
9 - Do not be bored and be concise.
Be quick and concise, do not speak to much and do not speak to fast.
Recuse the circle speech
10 - Never decorate a wrote speech.
Languages are different. Your mindset can be blocked.
Never ask others to write your speeches.
Video example: Churchill
11 - Never forget your defences.
Include your principles has to be subscribed.
12 - Is better to respond that you do not know than faking that you know
Example: Portuguese prime-minister talking in english to George Bush...
13 - Attack firmly protecting your backs.
14 - Never attack badly, manage how aggressive you are.
15 - Never admitted being inferiority by age/sex and colour.
"How to communicate clearly" - Rodrigo de Moita Deus (Summer University 2009 PSD)
Rodrigo Moita de Deus at Summer University 2009 (Partido Social Democrata)
Our brain is limited and has
3 techniques to speak clearly
Kiss - Keep Simple and Stupid
Bad example: Coach Manuel Machado (National football team) about speaking longer.
1st - Choose the tool to express the message and the target
Buzz (world of mouth) - "Sleep 3 hours a day" "this is a corrupt" "steel but does" "is a arrogant" "he is a technician".
These are examples of previous concepts.
Soundbite - The best sound...bite.
"I will walk anywhere" "Nowadays, the country is dressed with boxers"
Video: Blair_cameron.wmw was shown and reflected why the politicians express all time the word "Change".
There is words that are Cool and not cool.
Cool: Governmance, accountability, Think Thank, Simplex...
Not cool: Worker, cash (it's sucks the word), politics, business, etc...
Then Carlos Coelho presented how to write clearly:
- Main topics were explored;
- Press Conference has to be cared (big room is ridiculous, small room means disorganized, light, do not speak to the journalist but to the citizen, justify unpopular);
- Other points: Interviews: Something to say? / Radio: strong voice, use notes but not read - use pauses / Television: shorter answers.
Rodrigo express after how efficient is communicating with numbers.
Example of Lisbon Municipality candidate Marcelo Sousa in middle of 90's, dived to the Tejo river (in Lisbon) to explain how Lisbon is not close to the river.
Creativity is good to make change but can be dangerous.
Marketing 2.0 were the main subtopic.
Our message is more important in the computer than in TV in Portugal. has more IP views than national news.
razoes.wmw - Video of "Assim não", to explain they were against the liberalization of abortion and were published at youtube. However was not successful.
Then the video "gato.wmw" did by Gato Fedorento (portuguese humour) made some joke about the video "assim não"
Our brain is limited and has
3 techniques to speak clearly
Kiss - Keep Simple and Stupid
Bad example: Coach Manuel Machado (National football team) about speaking longer.
1st - Choose the tool to express the message and the target
Buzz (world of mouth) - "Sleep 3 hours a day" "this is a corrupt" "steel but does" "is a arrogant" "he is a technician".
These are examples of previous concepts.
Soundbite - The best sound...bite.
"I will walk anywhere" "Nowadays, the country is dressed with boxers"
Video: Blair_cameron.wmw was shown and reflected why the politicians express all time the word "Change".
There is words that are Cool and not cool.
Cool: Governmance, accountability, Think Thank, Simplex...
Not cool: Worker, cash (it's sucks the word), politics, business, etc...
Then Carlos Coelho presented how to write clearly:
- Main topics were explored;
- Press Conference has to be cared (big room is ridiculous, small room means disorganized, light, do not speak to the journalist but to the citizen, justify unpopular);
- Other points: Interviews: Something to say? / Radio: strong voice, use notes but not read - use pauses / Television: shorter answers.
Rodrigo express after how efficient is communicating with numbers.
Example of Lisbon Municipality candidate Marcelo Sousa in middle of 90's, dived to the Tejo river (in Lisbon) to explain how Lisbon is not close to the river.
Creativity is good to make change but can be dangerous.
Marketing 2.0 were the main subtopic.
Our message is more important in the computer than in TV in Portugal. has more IP views than national news.
razoes.wmw - Video of "Assim não", to explain they were against the liberalization of abortion and were published at youtube. However was not successful.
Then the video "gato.wmw" did by Gato Fedorento (portuguese humour) made some joke about the video "assim não"
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
PORTUGAL: "Why we need a new economic politic orientation" (António Borges)
Hello all,
According to the new Summer University at my Social Democrat Political Party in Portugal, António Borges provided his opinion.
Former President of INSEAD MBA Programme, António Borges is an Portuguese political reference nowadays.
Firstly he asked for the main reasons of Portuguese current economic situation:
- External Deficit (Import-Export balance)
- External Debt (Debts emitted from portuguese institutes by abroad, mainly is bank credits)
With an constant external deficit, the external debt is growing in consequence...
External debt, in case of crisis, should be great, because involves investment.
However the portuguese case is not the current situation.
Today, the external debt is 100%.
Means that 1 all year of portuguese production is not enough to respond to all debts needs.
So, why Portugal still receive external finance amounts?
Not only Portugal is in the Euro zone but, mainly, because Portugal has real guarantees.
Every day, Portuguese State is having more debts... in consequence is being weaker.
How to decrease External portuguese Debt?
We have to increase the External Balance. EXPORT-IMPORT
This is the principal case:
A - We have to be exigent to explore our resources.
B - To increase the exportation, we need also to increase the productivity and external competition.
C - Concerning the expenditures try to give central attention
Portuguese emigrants are actually really productive comparing to the Portuguese people in Portugal. Why? Is just a pure consequence of national environment.
Portuguese saving tax is very low and one of the biggest issue.
USA has a lower saving tax as well, for example, but the family concept to give the saving to them own kids is really low.
One curiosity, Portuguese investment is actually high.
Portugal is full of white Elephants. The central national question is the efficiency.
Education was centred as an issue, however Antonio Borges does not agree, giving an example of portuguese emigrants with lower education, they were really productive abroad.
Borges re forced how strong is effect of unemployment in Portugal.
Portuguese GDP is -4% comparing to last year,
We need competitive companies, this is the central point to resolve.
There is no portuguese economy, exists 2 portuguese economies.
Small and middle companies and from other side big companies.
The majority of portuguese companies that are surviving very well are the ones protected from external market. They are called as non-transaction companies.
In the competitive markets, we have the tourism, agriculture and industry.
The majority of the services are in the non-transaction companies and these ones are protected.
Other dramatic trend is the gap between the rich/poor.
According to the OECD-30 only México and Turkey is worst than Portugal. Countries as Romania, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Bulgaria (EU) are not included.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Leaders with love
"Whether you go, give love: start with your house, family, kids and wife/husband if you have, your neighbour... and you will see better people around you" - Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
As Mother Teresa of Calcutta expressed, I totally believe that the size of each Human being is in his/her borders of responsibility through our world.
A small person is a person without love for the others, without charisma of responsibility.
Now, please think about one leader. Why you consider this person as a leader?
For sure you will find his love for what he/she does as highest reason.
So pure and transparent love, that came to you easily..
If love is the passport to be great and excellent, do not reject your love.
Be the opposite. Accept your love as a greatest thing ever and be a fighter for your own goals and objectives...
With love everything is achievable, because whether you believe a thing, you are right.
And you can only believe, if you trust in your love...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Leaders Skills and competences
To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning
In his book, The New Rules, John P. Kotter, Professor at the Harvard
Business School author and an internationally recognized authority on
leadership and change, shares the results of a twenty year study of
115 Harvard Business School graduates (the Class of 1974). The
purpose of his work was to study how the paths to a successful career
had changed over the past two decades and why. The results of his
effort, published in 1995, indicated a shift in career paths “from
large bureaucratic companies to smaller more entrepreneurial ones.”
Key in his findings was the focus that life-long learning has in the
success in rapidly changing environments: “Firms and individuals
rarely succeed when they are static and try to live off the past.”
More specifically, his study conclusions indicated that the most
successful members of the class had the capacity to “turn terrible
events – even their personal and family troubles – into growth
experiences” through reflecting and learning from them. He went
further and asked the question: why doesn’t everyone act that way?
His conclusion was that there was one factor that stood out – real
”Low standards, a weak drive, and a lack of self-confidence in
competitive situations undermine lifelong learning. Without ambition,
the pain of growth can simply look too big. Absent real drive, the
budding entrepreneur never gets out of the corporate womb, the young
consultant does not put up with the rejection…, the individual with
leadership potential never takes the risk of trying to lead, and the
junior deal maker never goes for the big deal where (win or lose) so
much can be learned. Without real ambition, painful episodes from
which one can learn so much are avoided both on and off the job. And
with avoidance comes stagnation.”
It is the great leaders’ ambition and passion for life that sparks
them to continuously stretch themselves to grow – to find within
themselves every gift that lies hidden. It is the continuous
introspective search (“Know thyself”) that fuels their growth. It is
their seeking out of new experiences that challenge ideas and
assumptions that enables them to see the fuller beauty of life, people
and events.
In his book, The New Rules, John P. Kotter, Professor at the Harvard
Business School author and an internationally recognized authority on
leadership and change, shares the results of a twenty year study of
115 Harvard Business School graduates (the Class of 1974). The
purpose of his work was to study how the paths to a successful career
had changed over the past two decades and why. The results of his
effort, published in 1995, indicated a shift in career paths “from
large bureaucratic companies to smaller more entrepreneurial ones.”
Key in his findings was the focus that life-long learning has in the
success in rapidly changing environments: “Firms and individuals
rarely succeed when they are static and try to live off the past.”
More specifically, his study conclusions indicated that the most
successful members of the class had the capacity to “turn terrible
events – even their personal and family troubles – into growth
experiences” through reflecting and learning from them. He went
further and asked the question: why doesn’t everyone act that way?
His conclusion was that there was one factor that stood out – real
”Low standards, a weak drive, and a lack of self-confidence in
competitive situations undermine lifelong learning. Without ambition,
the pain of growth can simply look too big. Absent real drive, the
budding entrepreneur never gets out of the corporate womb, the young
consultant does not put up with the rejection…, the individual with
leadership potential never takes the risk of trying to lead, and the
junior deal maker never goes for the big deal where (win or lose) so
much can be learned. Without real ambition, painful episodes from
which one can learn so much are avoided both on and off the job. And
with avoidance comes stagnation.”
It is the great leaders’ ambition and passion for life that sparks
them to continuously stretch themselves to grow – to find within
themselves every gift that lies hidden. It is the continuous
introspective search (“Know thyself”) that fuels their growth. It is
their seeking out of new experiences that challenge ideas and
assumptions that enables them to see the fuller beauty of life, people
and events.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Alumnus of AIESEC
Hi all,
This year I became alumnus of AIESEC.
AIESEC bring me a lot of experience, professionally and personally.
This is a thanks video!!!
This year I became alumnus of AIESEC.
AIESEC bring me a lot of experience, professionally and personally.
This is a thanks video!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
10 rules for being human
To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning
Sir Douglas Bader, Royal Air Force fighter ace, wrote:
“Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.”
It is ‘rules’or principles that guide the highly successful leaders life’s journey.
They are deeply internalized and establish the mindset through which
actions, words, attitudes and behaviors are expressed. The leader’s
core values (e.g. integrity, respect, caring) are key among these
rules/principles. Along the way, leaders find others that complement
them, bringing added richness and depth to their meaning and to the
leader’s personal development.
Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott, author, life coach and motivational speaker,
provides some of these in her book, If Life Is a Game, These Are the
There simplicity brings pause for reflection, and in this reflection both a reminder and an opportunity for renewal of our principles.
The Ten Rules For Being Human
Rule One - You will receive a body.
You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of
your life on Earth.
Rule Two - You will be presented with lessons.
You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "life". Each
day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You
may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part
of your curriculum.
Rule Three - There are no mistakes, only lessons.
Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors and
occasional victories. The failed experiments are as much as a part of
the process as the experiments that work.
Rule Four - The lesson is repeated until learned.
Lessons will be repeated to you in various forms until you have
learned them. When you have learned them, you can go on to the next
Rule Five - Learning does not end.
There is no part of life that does not contain lessons. If you are
alive, there are lessons to be learned.
Rule Six - "There" is no better than "here".
When your "there" has become "here" you will simply obtain another
"there" that will look better to you than your present "here".
Rule Seven - Others are only mirrors of you.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it
reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
Rule Eight - What you make of your life is up to you.
You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them
is up to you.
Rule Nine - Your answers lie inside of you.
All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
Rule Ten - You will forget all this at birth.
You can remember it if you want by unraveling the double helic of inner-knowing.
As Albert Einstein wrote: “You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better than anyone else.” The great and
successful leaders “play better than anyone else.” Play hard this
week and remember the rules. And have fun doing it!
Sir Douglas Bader, Royal Air Force fighter ace, wrote:
“Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.”
It is ‘rules’or principles that guide the highly successful leaders life’s journey.
They are deeply internalized and establish the mindset through which
actions, words, attitudes and behaviors are expressed. The leader’s
core values (e.g. integrity, respect, caring) are key among these
rules/principles. Along the way, leaders find others that complement
them, bringing added richness and depth to their meaning and to the
leader’s personal development.
Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott, author, life coach and motivational speaker,
provides some of these in her book, If Life Is a Game, These Are the
There simplicity brings pause for reflection, and in this reflection both a reminder and an opportunity for renewal of our principles.
The Ten Rules For Being Human
Rule One - You will receive a body.
You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of
your life on Earth.
Rule Two - You will be presented with lessons.
You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "life". Each
day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You
may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part
of your curriculum.
Rule Three - There are no mistakes, only lessons.
Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors and
occasional victories. The failed experiments are as much as a part of
the process as the experiments that work.
Rule Four - The lesson is repeated until learned.
Lessons will be repeated to you in various forms until you have
learned them. When you have learned them, you can go on to the next
Rule Five - Learning does not end.
There is no part of life that does not contain lessons. If you are
alive, there are lessons to be learned.
Rule Six - "There" is no better than "here".
When your "there" has become "here" you will simply obtain another
"there" that will look better to you than your present "here".
Rule Seven - Others are only mirrors of you.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it
reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
Rule Eight - What you make of your life is up to you.
You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them
is up to you.
Rule Nine - Your answers lie inside of you.
All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.
Rule Ten - You will forget all this at birth.
You can remember it if you want by unraveling the double helic of inner-knowing.
As Albert Einstein wrote: “You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better than anyone else.” The great and
successful leaders “play better than anyone else.” Play hard this
week and remember the rules. And have fun doing it!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
We can not do omelets without egs!
Economics article:
We can not do omelets without egs.
I remember who said: "we can not do omelets without egs".
With the current financial situation of the world and in particular in Portugal, the omelet case can be associated. We can not do omelets without egs. And to have egs we need chickens. And the chickens are not performing.
Conclusion, something is wrong.
The current financial situation in Portugal is not so good at all.
Today the chickens are not performing so well as before, the number of eggs are ridiculous and the already low number of omelets can not find who wants to eat them.
The presence of eggs is almost ridiculous and the chickens, or are moving for other regions, or starting to die with hungry.
Actually in Portugal the economy system has a huge number of chickens. Strange is not it?
However these chickens can not perform so well and the eggs are conditioned by the low request number of omelets...
As the chickens are less productive comparing with the past. Concerning the future something has to be changed.
How to solve this chicken problem is the question of the next decade.
Some farmers are discussing about providing special food for the chicken, to make them more productive. Sounds good. But if the meat of the chicken can be changed? If the meat can start to be dependent of this special food?
From the other side, some farmers are reflecting about the conditions of the chickens. For them, the farms are not providing the best environment to produce more.
Not so bad reflection. But if the neighbours has worst conditions, why chickens are performing so well there?
And then the last farmers, more than 60%, do not even wants to change. They think that everything is totally fine. The chicken's eggs are enough to survive and reflecting about it is not in the agenda. Until one day. The day of last chicken being killed to solve the farms starving situation.
Changing the farms mentality is the order of the President of farmers association. Probably is to late...
Portugal is not so far than this farmers picture. With this chicken problem, eggs are not enough.
Instead of discussing the problem, nobody talks about the innovation, the quality of these eggs.
As are not toxic, there is a very low risk of eating omelets and have some health problem as cancer.
How they could be valuable?
They are valuable, but nobody around the world knows about it...
Francisco Miguel Sousa
We can not do omelets without egs.
I remember who said: "we can not do omelets without egs".
With the current financial situation of the world and in particular in Portugal, the omelet case can be associated. We can not do omelets without egs. And to have egs we need chickens. And the chickens are not performing.
Conclusion, something is wrong.
The current financial situation in Portugal is not so good at all.
Today the chickens are not performing so well as before, the number of eggs are ridiculous and the already low number of omelets can not find who wants to eat them.
The presence of eggs is almost ridiculous and the chickens, or are moving for other regions, or starting to die with hungry.
Actually in Portugal the economy system has a huge number of chickens. Strange is not it?
However these chickens can not perform so well and the eggs are conditioned by the low request number of omelets...
As the chickens are less productive comparing with the past. Concerning the future something has to be changed.
How to solve this chicken problem is the question of the next decade.
Some farmers are discussing about providing special food for the chicken, to make them more productive. Sounds good. But if the meat of the chicken can be changed? If the meat can start to be dependent of this special food?
From the other side, some farmers are reflecting about the conditions of the chickens. For them, the farms are not providing the best environment to produce more.
Not so bad reflection. But if the neighbours has worst conditions, why chickens are performing so well there?
And then the last farmers, more than 60%, do not even wants to change. They think that everything is totally fine. The chicken's eggs are enough to survive and reflecting about it is not in the agenda. Until one day. The day of last chicken being killed to solve the farms starving situation.
Changing the farms mentality is the order of the President of farmers association. Probably is to late...
Portugal is not so far than this farmers picture. With this chicken problem, eggs are not enough.
Instead of discussing the problem, nobody talks about the innovation, the quality of these eggs.
As are not toxic, there is a very low risk of eating omelets and have some health problem as cancer.
How they could be valuable?
They are valuable, but nobody around the world knows about it...
Francisco Miguel Sousa
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Uruguay - Next month everything is shooting there for my next challenge!
Uruguay, officially the Oriental Republic of Uruguay[5][6] (Spanish: República Oriental del Uruguay, pronounced [reˈpuβlika oɾjenˈtal del uɾuˈɣwai]), is a country located in the southeastern part of South America. It is home to 3.46 million people,[2] of whom 1.7 million live in the capital Montevideo and its metropolitan area. An estimated 80-88% of the population are of mostly European and/or mixed descent.[7]
Uruguay's only land border is with Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to the north. To the west lies the Uruguay River, to the southwest lies the estuary of Río de la Plata, with Argentina only a short commute across the banks of either of these bodies of water, while to the southeast lies the South Atlantic Ocean. Uruguay is the second smallest country in South America, larger only than Suriname.
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay's oldest European settlement, was founded by the Portuguese in 1680. Montevideo was founded by the Spanish in the early 18th century as a military stronghold. Uruguay won its independence in 1825-1828 following a three-way struggle between Spain, Argentina and Brazil. It is a constitutional democracy, where the president fulfills the roles of both head of state and head of government.
The economy is largely based on agriculture (making up 10% of GDP and the most substantial export) and the state sector. According to Transparency International, Uruguay is the least corrupt country in Latin America (along with Chile), with its political and labor conditions being among the freest on the continent.
Uruguay is one of the most economically developed countries in Latin America, with a high per capita Gross Domestic Product and the 47th highest quality of life in the world. It was the first Latin American country to legalize same and different sex civil unions at a national level in the year 2007.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
History of Macedonia
Currently I am receiving my friend and ex-collegue as President of AIESEC France 2007-2008 Antonio Jovanovski as his girlfriend Martina Tevceva.
They are from Macedonia, so I was curious about the country.
Here is some references:
They are from Macedonia, so I was curious about the country.
Here is some references:
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Home sweet home
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Political fight
South Korea offered us one more sad episode about behaviour inside parliament.
In Portugal, as you can see the Minister just show 2 fingers in the head and had to quit.
What you think that can happen in South Korea?
By the way "Czech!" this out:
In Portugal, as you can see the Minister just show 2 fingers in the head and had to quit.
What you think that can happen in South Korea?
By the way "Czech!" this out:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Kontroll (Hungary)
Definitely one of the best european movies for the last years.
Ghost trains and ghostly characters, figuratively speaking of course, are what run through the perpetual night of this fictitious underground (metro) system. Bulcsú's (Sándor Csányi) life that once was, on the surface, where the real people go home after work, who go to the movies or a fine restaurant is now replaced by the dark, cold and solitude arena of his new dwellings. Him, and his motley crew of ragtag metro ticket Kontrollers must patrol the trains that run these City dwellers back and forth and with daily ritual, check that no one dare come down into their world for a free ride. With indifferent passengers, a possible love interest, a regime set on competition and to top it all a mysterious serial killer at large, Kontroll is a dark and bleak comedy of the world of the ticket inspector, who, in the end must keep this Metro system running. If not, what would be the worst that could happen, if they ever lost control? Dare you ride here for free, too? Written by Cinema_Fan
The massive labyrinthine netherworld that is the Budapest subway system provides the stunning setting for 'Kontroll,' a high-style, high-speed romantic thriller in which the lives of assorted outcasts, lovers, and dreamers intersect and collide. One handsome young hero, one mysterious maiden, and one particularly nasty killer must conduct a race against time, trains, and destiny itself in their frantic pursuit of one another. Written by Sujit R. Varma
Ghost trains and ghostly characters, figuratively speaking of course, are what run through the perpetual night of this fictitious underground (metro) system. Bulcsú's (Sándor Csányi) life that once was, on the surface, where the real people go home after work, who go to the movies or a fine restaurant is now replaced by the dark, cold and solitude arena of his new dwellings. Him, and his motley crew of ragtag metro ticket Kontrollers must patrol the trains that run these City dwellers back and forth and with daily ritual, check that no one dare come down into their world for a free ride. With indifferent passengers, a possible love interest, a regime set on competition and to top it all a mysterious serial killer at large, Kontroll is a dark and bleak comedy of the world of the ticket inspector, who, in the end must keep this Metro system running. If not, what would be the worst that could happen, if they ever lost control? Dare you ride here for free, too? Written by Cinema_Fan
The massive labyrinthine netherworld that is the Budapest subway system provides the stunning setting for 'Kontroll,' a high-style, high-speed romantic thriller in which the lives of assorted outcasts, lovers, and dreamers intersect and collide. One handsome young hero, one mysterious maiden, and one particularly nasty killer must conduct a race against time, trains, and destiny itself in their frantic pursuit of one another. Written by Sujit R. Varma
Concerning my region, Algarve, check this video.
If you are interested to visit me, just come.
If you are interested to visit me, just come.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Influenza A - Do not go to South Spain Palma Maiorca and Canarias
In Portugal exists more than 20 cases from the south of Spain of Influenza A.
If you want to keep save from this flu and you are looking for sun this summer, try South Italy, Croatia, Portugal and Greece are good alternatives.
If you want to keep save from this flu and you are looking for sun this summer, try South Italy, Croatia, Portugal and Greece are good alternatives.
Decision making?
"To: The Great Leaders Who Have a Passion for Continuous Learning
Karl E. Weick in The Future of Leadership, writes a stirring chapter
on “Leadership as the Legitimation of Doubt” in which he introduces
the critical importance of sensemaking to highly effective leadership.
He shares the story of Warren Bennis, American scholar, organizational
consultant and author, widely regarded as a pioneer of the
contemporary field of Leadership Studies, at a moment which became a
turning point in the career. Bennis, then President of the University
of Cincinnati, was presenting a lecture at the Harvard School of
Education. During the Q&A he was asked by Paul Ylvisaker, the
School’s Dean, “Warren, do you really love being president of
Cincinnati?” After a long reflective pause which brought a deep quiet
in the room, he responded: “I don’t know.” About this Weick writes:
“Notice what Bennis did not say. He did not say, I can’t choose
between yes and no. the question of whether he loves being president
is not a problem in decision-making. It is deeper than that. It is
an issue of meaning, direction, and sense-making. Standing in front
of that Harvard audience, Bennis was facing a job, a university, a
calling, and his own leadership theories with a mixture of puzzlement,
ambivalence, and honesty.”
On the same theme Brian Arthur in a Harvard Business Review article
writes on sensemaking and its implications for 21st century leaders:
“Imagine you are milling about in a large casino with the top figures
in the high-tech-the Gates, Gerstners, and Groves of their industries.
Over at one table, a game is starting call Multimedia. Over at
another is a game called Web Services. In the corner is Electronic
Banking. There are many tables. You sit at one.
“How much to play”” you ask.
“Three billion,” the croupier replies.
“Who will be playing?” you ask.
“We won’t know until they show up,” he replies.
“What are the rules?”
“Those will emerge as the game unfolds,” says the croupier.
“What are my odds of winning?” you wonder.
“We can’t say,” responds the house. “Do you still want to play?”
It is this deep sense-making which great leaders create in their
professional and personal life. It is this unique and powerful
ability for deep reflection that provokes a pause to search for
direction, making sense of the situation and how it fits into an
overall plan. It surpasses the analytical and calls on intuition,
feelings and experiences. “It is about navigating by means of a
compass rather than a map” writes Weick. May you lead by your
compass on your journey, and enjoy the excitement and breadth of the
rich perspective is provides to your travels.
And have fun doing it!
Karl E. Weick in The Future of Leadership, writes a stirring chapter
on “Leadership as the Legitimation of Doubt” in which he introduces
the critical importance of sensemaking to highly effective leadership.
He shares the story of Warren Bennis, American scholar, organizational
consultant and author, widely regarded as a pioneer of the
contemporary field of Leadership Studies, at a moment which became a
turning point in the career. Bennis, then President of the University
of Cincinnati, was presenting a lecture at the Harvard School of
Education. During the Q&A he was asked by Paul Ylvisaker, the
School’s Dean, “Warren, do you really love being president of
Cincinnati?” After a long reflective pause which brought a deep quiet
in the room, he responded: “I don’t know.” About this Weick writes:
“Notice what Bennis did not say. He did not say, I can’t choose
between yes and no. the question of whether he loves being president
is not a problem in decision-making. It is deeper than that. It is
an issue of meaning, direction, and sense-making. Standing in front
of that Harvard audience, Bennis was facing a job, a university, a
calling, and his own leadership theories with a mixture of puzzlement,
ambivalence, and honesty.”
On the same theme Brian Arthur in a Harvard Business Review article
writes on sensemaking and its implications for 21st century leaders:
“Imagine you are milling about in a large casino with the top figures
in the high-tech-the Gates, Gerstners, and Groves of their industries.
Over at one table, a game is starting call Multimedia. Over at
another is a game called Web Services. In the corner is Electronic
Banking. There are many tables. You sit at one.
“How much to play”” you ask.
“Three billion,” the croupier replies.
“Who will be playing?” you ask.
“We won’t know until they show up,” he replies.
“What are the rules?”
“Those will emerge as the game unfolds,” says the croupier.
“What are my odds of winning?” you wonder.
“We can’t say,” responds the house. “Do you still want to play?”
It is this deep sense-making which great leaders create in their
professional and personal life. It is this unique and powerful
ability for deep reflection that provokes a pause to search for
direction, making sense of the situation and how it fits into an
overall plan. It surpasses the analytical and calls on intuition,
feelings and experiences. “It is about navigating by means of a
compass rather than a map” writes Weick. May you lead by your
compass on your journey, and enjoy the excitement and breadth of the
rich perspective is provides to your travels.
And have fun doing it!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Trends - Future of mobile telecom
This is an explanation about the future trends.
Video: Future trends
Time: 44 minutes
Author: Patrick Dixon
Mobile Telecom example of future.
Fast growing -> Future is shaped by emotion.
Video about bad advertising: Life speeding, increasing time pressure.
We can not wait. Future is about emotion.
Converging Vs. Diverging
Mobile products for multiple functions.
Mobile get smaller but also bigger.
Speech recognition will always be limited.
1 billion children in Africa and Asia will soon be consumers.
AIDS out of control /Instability Rich & Poor / Take out oil in Africa
Tribal leadership is important
Economical impact in Africa and Asia in mobile phone. Roaming issues need to be resolved.
Example: Change shampoo to small bottles to get poor market. We need to be reinvented.
24 hours leadership
New regulation:
Environmental damage, Money Laundering, Recycling, Electromagnetic Radiation, Biased Financial Advice
Leadership and Strategy. We need passion.
The people need to care and believe in your vision.
What is about Future of mobile Telecom:
- For individuals: your own needs
- For family: people close to you
- For community: neighbourhood or nation
- For the whole earth: the good of all
Sunday, July 12, 2009
La Harissa - Portuguese/French reggaeton
In France I had opportunity to hear this Portuguese band.
Interesting point: Portuguese society in Portugal does not know them at all.
They are only known in Paris recognized by Portuguese community.
How is the market? How they had success?
In Paris, is around 500 000 Portuguese people living.
Common language, strong culture and same position in the French society aligned easily the music to the costumer market.
Good lesson for who wants to start a new project.
1st - Recognize the common points between your project and your market.
2nd - Re-force in all strong details
3rd - Rock it!
Interesting point: Portuguese society in Portugal does not know them at all.
They are only known in Paris recognized by Portuguese community.
How is the market? How they had success?
In Paris, is around 500 000 Portuguese people living.
Common language, strong culture and same position in the French society aligned easily the music to the costumer market.
Good lesson for who wants to start a new project.
1st - Recognize the common points between your project and your market.
2nd - Re-force in all strong details
3rd - Rock it!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Back to 2051
Cisco: Can you imagine, yesterday my grandson asked me about how was the political elections in the beginning of the XXI century..
Luis: Really, strange question. And you..?
Cisco: Firstly I laugh a lot.
Luis: Why?
Cisco: Common!!! Can you remember here in Portugal, the National Assembly with more than 200 members without doing anything?
Luis: Ahahah. Yes is true. Boring people winning thousands managing millions... ahahah
Cisco: And how we voted for elections, remember? Just with information of outdoors, and simple debates which lovely words?
Luis: Ahahah, oh yes.. voting was cool, and the papers remember?
Cisco: Ahah..
Luis: Ahahah...
Cisco: My dear citizens... do not worry, I will provide employment to all.
Luis: Ahaahah... God sake.. Prime-Minister the father of the society...
Cisco: Ahahah
Luis: Ahahah... And tell me how you answered your grandson?
Cisco: I said to read the biography of Berlusconi, Hugo Chavez and Sócrates (Prime-minister in Portugal).
Luis: Aahahahahahahah....... Berlusconi ahahah..... Remember the right side in this times? How they wanted to be looked as business people and show elitism towards the citizens?
Cisco: Aahahahaha. "I am right oriented. I believe in GOD, and GOD will save us." "We should support the private institutions, they will care about us with employment".
Luis: AHAAHAHAHAH... Oh my God. Left, right. Such a old and deficient political concepts in 21th century.
Cisco: Yes. Lovely time. We could joke on them so well, now everything is perfect. The kids do not know how is difficult and stupid life.
Luis: True... Thanks to European Union, we can have some money to your retirement when we will complete 75 years old.
Cisco: Yes, european social system is great. Unless, we can have something... Can you imagine how humans could invented religion, concept of races, countries, weapons just for own selfish satisfaction?
Luis: Yeah...
Cisco: Yeah... Ahahaah.
Luis: What?
Cisco: I just have one word for you. Just one.
Luis: What is it? Tell me... tell me...
Cisco: COMUNISM!!!
Luis: Aahahahahaha..... Oh dream people.
Cisco: I knew you would laugh. Can you remember in 2009 at European elections they still had 10% of voting?
Luis: What she said???
Cisco: She didn't say. She SCREAMED:
Luis: Where is Adina now? Can you check in your ZUPO?
Cisco: She is now shopping in Paris and then visit Malaysia with her family.
Luis: Hum. Ok. Just to finishing, when you will explain the estories of portuguese poltics, let me be there. I want to laugh!!!
Cisco: Definitely.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Leadership advice: Control your emotions
Today, this happened in Portugal.
Minister of Economy in Portugal show fingers to the opposition.
Minister of Economy in Portugal show fingers to the opposition.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Schedule your summer as GREATEST!
With the beginning of summer this past week for those of us in the
northern hemisphere Philip Humbert 's article entitled "Make It One
Heck of a Summer" and its message of carpe diem came to mind.
I shared this at the beginning of last summer, and its point continues
to serve us well.
In it he talked about how he and his wife in October seemed to always have the same conversation about summer:
"Oh, no! Where did the summer go?"
Moments later the house was filled with whining and moaning, a few complaints and exclamations that, "I can't believe we let it get away again!"
I believe his experience is similar to most of ours and that come October, we may look back with similar regrets.
His point in this, however, is about goal setting.
Human beings, he says, are by nature "goal-setting and goal-achieving creatures."
We set goals everyday - from the planning of our daily schedule to planning what we will eat during the week.
So if we are to have the greatest summer of our lives, we need to plan to make it the greatest.
Start today.
Circle dates on the calendar and mark them with things you want and love to do.
Fill it up and let it overflow the brim.
Live this summer as the best you have ever had!
It is your beautiful and special life to live to its fullest.
Stretch yourself to do new things, uncover new possibilities and happiness for you, your family and those around you.
And in October, look back proudly and with satisfaction at what you have achieved, learned and experienced: that happiness and success is in your choosing and doing. Choose wisely and choose well!
northern hemisphere Philip Humbert 's article entitled "Make It One
Heck of a Summer" and its message of carpe diem came to mind.
I shared this at the beginning of last summer, and its point continues
to serve us well.
In it he talked about how he and his wife in October seemed to always have the same conversation about summer:
"Oh, no! Where did the summer go?"
Moments later the house was filled with whining and moaning, a few complaints and exclamations that, "I can't believe we let it get away again!"
I believe his experience is similar to most of ours and that come October, we may look back with similar regrets.
His point in this, however, is about goal setting.
Human beings, he says, are by nature "goal-setting and goal-achieving creatures."
We set goals everyday - from the planning of our daily schedule to planning what we will eat during the week.
So if we are to have the greatest summer of our lives, we need to plan to make it the greatest.
Start today.
Circle dates on the calendar and mark them with things you want and love to do.
Fill it up and let it overflow the brim.
Live this summer as the best you have ever had!
It is your beautiful and special life to live to its fullest.
Stretch yourself to do new things, uncover new possibilities and happiness for you, your family and those around you.
And in October, look back proudly and with satisfaction at what you have achieved, learned and experienced: that happiness and success is in your choosing and doing. Choose wisely and choose well!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bioneers 2006
Paul Hawken speaks at Bioneers 2006
This extraordinary speech brings hope and optimism to our hearts. Paul Hawken has spent over a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice. He discover that these groups collectively comprise the largest movement on earth, a movement that has no name, leader or location. It’s a creative expression of people's needs worldwide.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Budapest - Memorial of II World War
Budapest - Memorial of II World War
People live and die, but exists memorials that are immortal.
This is definitely one.
In Budapest, this memorial shows the Jewish shoes after being killed close to the river.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Leaders - Lance Armstrong biography
Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong (born Lance Edward Gunderson on September 18, 1971) is an American professional road racing cyclist who rides for the Kazakhstan-based UCI ProTeam Astana. He won the Tour de France a record-breaking seven consecutive years, from 1999 to 2005.
He is the only individual to win seven times, having broken the previous record of five wins, shared by Miguel Indurain and Bernard Hinault, Eddy Merckx and Jacques Anquetil. He has survived testicular cancer, a tumor that metastasized to his brain and lungs, in 1996. His cancer treatments included brain and testicular surgery and extensive chemotherapy, and his prognosis was originally poor.
In 1999, he was named the American Broadcasting Company Wide World of Sports Athlete of the Year. In 2000 he won the Prince of Asturias Award in Sports.[2] In 2002, Sports Illustrated magazine named him Sportsman of the Year. He was also named Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year for 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. He received ESPN's ESPY Award for Best Male Athlete in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006, and won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Overseas Personality Award in 2003. Armstrong retired from racing on July 24, 2005, at the end of the 2005 Tour de France, but returned to competitive cycling in January 2009.
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